Home > Back-end >  The sequential table according to the value of search data structure
The sequential table according to the value of search data structure


Order table lookup by value, regardless of input right or wrong, the output is not found, the result of the
# include & lt; The malloc. H>
# include & lt; Stdlib. H>
using namespace std;
# define MAXSIZE 10
# define OK 1
# define the ERROR 0
# define OVERFLOW - 2

Typedef struct {
Const char * name;
Const char * number;
Int grade;
} ElemType;
Typedef struct {
ElemType * elem;
int length;
Int listsize;

//constructs an empty sequence table
Int InitList_Sq (SqList& L)
L.e lem=new ElemType [MAXSIZE];
if (! L.e lem) exit (OVERFLOW);
L.l ength=0;
L.l istsize=MAXSIZE;
return OK;


Int append_Sq SqList * L, ElemType (e)
Int I=L - & gt; Length;
L - & gt; Elem [I]=e;
L - & gt; Length++;
return OK;

//get the ith a data element in linear table L the content of the
Int GetElem (SqList L, int I ElemType& E)
If (i<1 | | i> L.l ength) return the ERROR;
E=L.e lem [I - 1);
return OK;
//find the linear table with equal e data elements, returns its position in the linear table,
Int LocateElem (SqList L, ElemType e)
int i;
For (I=0; I & lt; L.l ength; I++)
If ((L.e lem [I] name==e.n ame) & amp; & (L.e lem [I] number==e.n umber) & amp; & (L.e lem [I] grade==um participant rade))
Return the I + 1;
return 0;

//determine whether linear table is the "full"
Int isFull_Sq (SqList * L)
The return of L - & gt; Length==MAXSIZE? OK: the ERROR;

//determine whether linear table is the "empty"
Int isEmpty_Sq (SqList * L)
The return of L - & gt; Length==0? OK: the ERROR;

//in the linear table data elements of the ith line insert e
Int ListInsert_Sq (SqList& L, int I ElemType e)
If (i<1 | | i> L.l ength + 1)
Return the ERROR;
If (L.l ength==MAXSIZE)
Return the ERROR;
For (int j=L.l ength - 1; J & gt;=I - 1; J -)
L.e lem [j + 1)=L.e lem [j];
L.e lem] [I - 1=e;
+ + L.l ength;
return OK;

//remove linear table
Int ListDelete_Sq (SqList& L, int I)
If ((I & lt; 1) | | (I & gt; L.l ength))
Return the ERROR;
For (int j=I; J & lt;=L.l ength - 1; J++)
L.e lem [1]=L.e lem [j];
- L.l ength;
return OK;

//this program is used to output to determine the linear table content in a certain area
Void ListTraverse (SqList L)
int i;
Printf (" linear table current capacity is: % d \ n ", L.l istsize);
If (L.l ength & gt; 0)
Printf (" % d element, the current linear table are \ n ", L.l ength);
For (I=0; I & lt;=L.l ength; I++)
Printf (" % d % s % s \ n ", L.e lem [I]. Name, L.e lem [I] number, L.e lem [I] grade).
The else
Printf (" linear table is empty. \ n ");

Int main ()
//the first step to initialize the linear table
SqList L;
int i;
Printf (" the first step to create a structure variable, initialize \ n ");
InitList_Sq (L);
Printf (" the second step is to order table assignment \ n ");

//the second step is to order table assignment
ElemType s [4]={
{" yangyang ", "060214201", 79},
{" xuelin ", "060214202", 83},
{" wangshimeng ", "060214203", 92},
{" fengzihan ", "060214204", 88}
For (I=1; I & lt;=4; I++)
If (append_Sq (& amp; L, s [I - 1)))
Printf (" add data success \ n ");
The else
Printf (" add data failure \ n ");

//the third step to determine whether a linear table for full
Printf (" the third step to determine whether a linear table for full \ n ");
Int isFull_Sq SqList (L);
If (OK)
Printf (" linear table is for full \ n ");
The else
Printf (" linear table for full \ n ");

//step 4 to determine whether a linear list is empty
Printf (" the fourth step to determine whether a linear list is empty \ n ");
Int isEmpty_Sq SqList (L);
If (OK)
Printf (" linear table is for empty \ n ");
The else
Printf (" linear list is empty \ n ");

//step 5 according to the position of value k
Printf (" step 5 according to the position of k value ");
Int k, getElem_flag;
ElemType value;
Printf (" please enter the location k value: ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; K);
GetElem_flag=GetElem (L, k, value);
If (getElem_flag==1)
Printf (" access to the data for: \ n ");
Printf (" % d % s % s \ n ", the value. The name, value, number, value, grade).
The else
Printf (" input the position of the cross! \n");

//step 6 by value lookup, e return position
Printf (" step 6 by value e lookup, return position \ n ");
Int local_flag;
ElemType e;
Printf (" please enter the query value: \ n ");
The scanf (" % d % s % s ", & amp; E.n ame, & amp; E.n umber, & amp; Um participant rade);
Local_flag=LocateElem (L, e);
If (local_flag!=0)
Printf (" \ n the element's position is: % d ", local_flag);
The else
Printf (" could not find the element! \n");

//step 7 insert operation
Printf (" step 7 in position I insert element e \ n ");
Int Insert_i Insert_flag;
Int h=0;
ElemType Insert_value;
Printf (" please enter the location I: ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; Insert_i);
Printf (" please enter the inserting value: ");
The scanf (" % d % s % s ", & amp; Insert_value. Name, & amp; Insert_value. Number, & amp; Insert_value. Grade);
Insert_flag=ListInsert_Sq (L, Insert_i Insert_value);
If (Insert_flag)
Printf (" insert success! \n");
Printf (" the current is the length of the sequence table L % d \ n ", L.l ength);
The else
Printf (" insert failed! \n");

//step 8 delete operation, the table of the ith element delete
Printf (" step 8 delete operation, the table of the ith element deletion \ n ");
Int delete_i delete_flag;
Printf (" please input element I to delete ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; Delete_i);
Delete_flag=ListDelete_Sq (L, delete_i);
If (delete_flag)
Printf (" deleted successful!" );
Printf (" the current is the length of the sequence table L % d \ n ", L.l ength);
return OK;
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