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Embedded call an external application


Have an operation, is constantly cut a section from the goldwave audio, and then save for another audio files, this operation similar to repeat a lot, and in constant back and forth between the two software, so there is the idea of using Delphi to solve this problem, check online for a long time, the overall result has two, one is https://blog.csdn.net/xieyunc/article/details/17360983,

After changing the following code,
The vh: HWND;
The begin

ShellExecute (Self. Handle, the 'open', Pchar (' C: \ Windows \ System32 \ notepad exe '), '1', nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
The vh:=Windows. FindWindow (nil, 'Form1');
ShowMessage (IntToStr (vh));
If vh<> 0 then
The begin
Windows. SetParent (pnlApp. Handle, the Self. PnlApp. Handle).
Windows. MoveWindow (pnlApp. Handle, 0, 0, the Self. The pnlApp. The Width of the Self. PnlApp. Height, True);
End the else
ShowMessage (' xx program is not running! ');

Program is call out, but not on the panel, but in the outside, what reason be excuse me?

CodePudding user response:

The second is: https://blog.csdn.net/xtfnpgy/article/details/39900331
After the operation error directly,
I would appreciate your warrior advice please,

CodePudding user response:

The first method:
The vh:=Winapi. Windows. FindWindow (nil, 'Form8'); Here, should not be your form name should be name needs to be embedded application form,

The following pictures Form8 is embedded in another application,

The title of the notepad. Exe, notepad, as if not shown on the form, always can't find,

CodePudding user response:

With a calculator to do the test, found that can change the calculator window size (as large as Panel1), but can't be embedded,

ShellExecute (Self. Handle, the 'open', Pchar (' C: \ Windows \ System32 \ calc exe '), ' ', nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
Sleep (1000);
The vh:=Winapi. Windows. FindWindow (nil, 'calculator');

CodePudding user response:

Var vh: HWND;
The begin
ShellExecute (Self. Handle, the 'open', Pchar (' C: \ Windows \ System32 \ notepad exe '), ' ', nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
Sleep (1000);//delay, waiting for the three open notebook,
The vh:=Winapi. Windows. FindWindow (nil, 'no title - notepad);
If vh<> 0 then
The begin
Winapi. Windows. SetParent (vh, Self. Panel1. Handle).
Winapi. Windows. MoveWindow (vh, 0, 0, the Self. Panel1. Width, the Self. Panel1. Height, False);
The else
ShowMessage (' xx program is not running! ');

The results are as follows:

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