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Eclipse installation error, to solve the thank you; The Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. jdk13.0.2


! SESSION 2020-02-28 20:39:18. 211 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Eclipse buildId=M20120208-0800
Java version=13.0.2
Java. Vendor=Oracle Corporation
BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86_64, WS=win32, NL=zh_CN
Framework is the arguments: - product org. Eclipse. Epp. Package. Java. The product
The Command - line arguments: - OS win32 - ws win32 - arch x86_64 - product org. The eclipse epp. Package. Java. The product

! ENTRY org. Eclipse equinox. Simpleconfigurator 4 0 2020-02-28 20:39:19. 192
! The MESSAGE FrameworkEvent ERROR
. Org. The osgi framework. BundleException: The bundle ". Org. Eclipse equinox. Simpleconfigurator_1. 0.200 v20110815-1438 [1] "could not be resolved. The Reason: Missing The Constraint: bundle - RequiredExecutionEnvironment: CDC - 1.1/Foundation - 1.1, J2SE 1.4
At org. Eclipse. Osgi. Framework. Internal. Core. AbstractBundle. GetResolverError (AbstractBundle. Java: 1327)
At org. Eclipse. Osgi. Framework. Internal. Core. AbstractBundle. GetResolutionFailureException (AbstractBundle. Java: 1311)
At org. Eclipse. Osgi. Framework. Internal. Core. BundleHost. StartWorker (BundleHost. Java: 323)
At org. Eclipse. Osgi. Framework. Internal. Core. AbstractBundle. Resume (AbstractBundle. Java: 389)
At org. Eclipse.. The osgi framework. Internal.. The core framework. The resumeBundle (1131) framework. Java:
At org. Eclipse. Osgi. Framework. Internal. Core. StartLevelManager. ResumeBundles (StartLevelManager. Java: 559)
At org. Eclipse. Osgi. Framework. Internal. Core. StartLevelManager. ResumeBundles (StartLevelManager. Java: 544)
At org. Eclipse. Osgi. Framework. Internal. Core. StartLevelManager. IncFWSL (StartLevelManager. Java: 457)
At org. Eclipse. Osgi. Framework. Internal. Core. StartLevelManager. DoSetStartLevel (StartLevelManager. Java: 243)
At org. Eclipse. Osgi. Framework. Internal. Core. StartLevelManager. DispatchEvent (StartLevelManager. Java: 438)
At org. Eclipse. Osgi. Framework. Internal. Core. StartLevelManager. DispatchEvent (StartLevelManager. Java: 1)
At org. Eclipse.. The osgi framework. Eventmgr. EventManager. DispatchEvent (EventManager. Java: 230)
At org. Eclipse. Osgi. Framework. Eventmgr. EventManager $EventThread. Run (EventManager. Java: 340)

! ENTRY org. Eclipse. Osgi 4 0 2020-02-28 20:39:19. 202
! MESSAGE Bundle initial @ reference: file: plugins/org. Eclipse equinox. Simpleconfigurator_1. 0.200 v20110815-1438. The jar/was not resolved.

! ENTRY org. Eclipse. Osgi 2 0 2020-02-28 20:39:19. 215
! The MESSAGE to The following is a complete list of bundles which are not resolved, see The The prior log entry for The root cause if it exists:
! SUBENTRY 1 org. Eclipse. Osgi 2 0 2020-02-28 20:39:19. 215
! MESSAGE Bundle org. Eclipse equinox. Simpleconfigurator_1. 0.200 v20110815-1438 [1] was not resolved.
! SUBENTRY 2 org. Eclipse equinox. Simpleconfigurator 2 0 2020-02-28 20:39:19. 216
! MESSAGE Missing the Constraint: Bundle - RequiredExecutionEnvironment: CDC - 1.1/Foundation - 1.1, J2SE 1.4

! ENTRY org. Eclipse. Osgi 4 0 2020-02-28 20:39:19. 234
! MESSAGE Application error
Java. Lang. An IllegalStateException: Unable to acquire application service. Ensure that the org. The eclipse core. The runtime bundle is resolved and started (see config. Ini).
The at org. Eclipse. Core. The runtime. Internal. Adaptor. EclipseAppLauncher. Start (EclipseAppLauncher. Java: 74)
The at org. Eclipse. Core. The runtime. Adaptor. EclipseStarter. Run (EclipseStarter. Java: 344)
The at org. Eclipse. Core. The runtime. Adaptor. EclipseStarter. Run (EclipseStarter. Java: 179)
The at Java. The base/JDK. Internal. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
The at Java. The base/JDK. Internal. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 62)
The at Java. The base/JDK. Internal. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java:
The at Java. The base/Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (567) Method. The Java:
At org. Eclipse equinox. The launcher. Main. InvokeFramework (622). The Main Java:
At org. Eclipse equinox. The launcher. Main. BasicRun (577). The Main Java:
At org. Eclipse equinox. The launcher. The Main. The run (1410). The Main Java:
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