Home > Back-end >  In the TCP server side what's the use of this code if (reader!=null) {reader. The close ();//of
In the TCP server side what's the use of this code if (reader!=null) {reader. The close ();//of


import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;

Public class MyTcp {//create the class MyTcp
Private BufferedReader reader;//create BufferedReader object
Private ServerSocket server;//create ServerSocket object
Private Socket Socket;//create a Socket object Socket

Void getserver () {
Try {
Server=new ServerSocket (8997);//instantiate the Socket object
System. The out. Println (" server socket has been created successfully ");//output information
While (true) {//if the socket is connected state
System. The out. Println (" waiting for the client connection ");//output information
The socket=server. The accept ();//instantiate the Socket object
Reader=new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (socket
GetInputStream ()));//instantiate BufferedReader object
GetClientMessage ();//call getClientMessage () method
} the catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace();//output exception information

Private void getClientMessage () {
Try {
While (true) {//if the socket is connected state
If (reader) ready ()) {
//client information
System. The out. Println (" the client: "+ reader. ReadLine ());
} the catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace();//output exception information
try {
If (reader!=null) {
Reader. The close ();//off flow
If (socket!=null) {
Socket. The close ();//close the socket
} the catch (IOException e) {


Public static void main (String [] args) {//main method
MyTcp TCP=new MyTcp ();//create the class object
TCP. Getserver ();//call the method

If (reader!=null) {
Reader. The close ();//off flow
If (socket!=null) {
Socket. The close ();//close the socket
} the catch (IOException e) {

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