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Oracle is custom table type corresponds to a Java type


I wrote an oracle with input and output parameters of the stored procedure, his output parameter is a custom table type, use the hibernate to request the stored procedure, don't know how to write the output parameters of type, general type String in Java, SQL, Types, VARCHAR receiving line, but don't know how to connect the type;
Storage process is as follows:
The create or replace procedure p_test (mbid in varchar, tab_list out pkg_mbsc. Tab_check_list) is
Row_re pkg_mbsc. Rec_mbsc_check;
The begin

End p_test;

The output parameter is tab_list package inside pkg_mbsc define tab_check_list;
Row_re is defined package inside pkg_mbsc rec_mbsc_check;
Type the following:
Type rec_mbsc_check is record (MBMC varchar (200), GCMC varchar (200));
Type tab_check_list is table of rec_mbsc_check index by binary integer;

The question is: how to call in Java defines the Types of tab_check_list, this should be a list, but from Java. The SQL. Types. Couldn't find it,
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