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Spring data jpa using annotations (AbstractRoutingDataSource) to realize multiple data sources, timi


Spring boot2. X project, use the data jpa framework, the common method can achieve data source switch, but the new thread and timing task execution method, but can't insert and modify the database, and control of the log output, you can query data,
The same data source configuration, use mybatis framework has no such problem,

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People? They found this problem?

CodePudding user response:

How do you select the data source configuration is configured? Code and configuration files

From the point of view of the phenomenon of your choice of data source logic Session, when performing the logic of a Session, some information on the ThreadLocal, and in the new thread and timing task thread, there won't be initialized ThreadLocal process, so fail,

Provide train of thought, hope I can help

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor BoRoBoRoMe response:
how you select the data source configuration configuration? Code and configuration files

From the point of view of the phenomenon of your choice of data source logic Session, when performing the logic of a Session, some information on the ThreadLocal, and in the new thread and timing task thread, there won't be initialized ThreadLocal process, so fail,

Provide ideas, hope can help

The following is the main configuration and method

The configuration file
Name: service - system
JDBC - url: JDBC: mysql://? useUnicode=true& CharacterEncoding=utf8 & amp; UseSSL=false
The driver - class - name: com. Mysql.. JDBC driver

Minimum - idle: 50
Maximum - the pool - size: 200
Idle - timeout: 30000
Max - lifetime: 300000
Connection timeout: 18000
Connection - the test - query: select 1

JDBC - url: JDBC: mysql://? useUnicode=true& CharacterEncoding=utf8 & amp; UseSSL=false
The driver - class - name: com. Mysql.. JDBC driver

JDBC - url: JDBC: mysql://? useUnicode=true& CharacterEncoding=utf8 & amp; UseSSL=false
The driver - class - name: com. Mysql.. JDBC driver

Minimum - idle: 50
Maximum - the pool - size: 200
Idle - timeout: 30000
Max - lifetime: 300000
Connection timeout: 18000
Connection - the test - query: select 1


/* *
* the actual data source configuration
@ Data
@ Component
@ ConfigurationProperties (prefix="spring. Hikari")
Public class DBProperties {

Private HikariDataSource first;

Private HikariDataSource second;

Private HikariDataSource third;


/* *
* data source configuration
@ Configuration
Public class DataSourceConfig {
The @autowired
Private DBProperties properties;

@ Bean (name="dataSource")
Public DataSource DataSource () {
//in accordance with the target data source name and target data source object mapping in the Map
Map TargetDataSources=new HashMap<> (a);
TargetDataSources. Put (" first ", the properties. The getFirst ());
TargetDataSources. Put (" second ", and the properties. GetSecond ());
TargetDataSources. Put (" third ", and the properties. GetThird ());
//used to AbstractRoutingDataSource object packaging multiple source
DynamicDataSource dataSource=new DynamicDataSource ();
The dataSource. SetTargetDataSources (targetDataSources);
//set the default data source, when get the data source, the use of this configuration is
DataSource. SetDefaultTargetDataSource (properties. The getFirst ());
return dataSource;

@ Bean
Public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager () {
Return new DataSourceTransactionManager (dataSource ());

Public class DynamicDataSourceHolder {
/* *
* thread local Shared object
Private static final ThreadLocal THREAD_LOCAL=new ThreadLocal<> (a);

Public static void putDataSource (String name) {
THREAD_LOCAL. Set (name);

Public static String getDataSource () {
Return THREAD_LOCAL. The get ();

Public static void removeDataSource () {
THREAD_LOCAL. Remove ();

Public class DynamicDataSource extends AbstractRoutingDataSource {

@ Override
Protected Object determineCurrentLookupKey () {
//thread from the Shared access to the data source name
Return DynamicDataSourceHolder. GetDataSource ();

If the query can be successful, on behalf of the data source exists,
Has not been solved, hope can help have a look at the problem in where

CodePudding user response:

The current problem on DynamicDataSourceHolder

Run the normal logic, will perform before execution determineCurrentLookupKey putDataSource,

But start a new thread and timing task, no execution putDataSource, timing task end or the end of the thread will not perform removeDataSource,

The right thing to do
Start the new thread scenario

The class DataSourceThread extend Thread {
Private String dataSource.
Private Runnable runable;

Public void the run () {
DynamicDataSourceHolder. PutDataSource (dataSource);
Try {
Runable. The run ();
} the finally {
DynamicDataSourceHolder. RemoveDataSource ();

T=new Thread DataSourceThread (" first ", the new Runable () {... });

For timing task scenario can only be used in timing task logic to decide what data sources, and DataSourceThread. The logic of the run similar
Public void the schedule () {
String dataSource=findDataSource ();//a calculation using which the DataSource
DynamicDataSourceHolder. PutDataSource (dataSource);
Try {
RunSelfSchedule ();
} the finally {
DynamicDataSourceHolder. RemoveDataSource ();

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