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Beanutils. SetProperty method returns an empty value is something wrong


. Today I use Beanutils setProperty methods for Student class assignment, using SQL query, the result out
Student [FlowID=0, Type=0, IDCard=22222222222222, ExamCard=null, StudentName=null, Location=null, Grade=0] strangely only IDCard assigned values, Student class is also very normal, no error, want to broken head liquid don't understand, please help, below is the code,

@ Test
Public void testGet () {
String SQL="select Flow_ID as FlowID, Type, ID_Card IDCard,"
+ "Exam_Card ExamCard, Student_Name StudentName, Location,"
+ "Grade from stud_infor Where Grade=? ";
Student Student=dao. Get (Student class, SQL, 60).
System. The out. Println (student);

//query methods
The public & lt; T> T get (Class Clazz, String SQL Object... The args) {
T the entity=null;

The Connection Connection=null;
PreparedStatement ps=null;
The ResultSet rs=null;
Try {
The connection=JDBCTools. GetConnection ();
Ps=connection. PrepareStatement (SQL);
for (int i=0; i Ps. SetObject (I + 1, args [I]);
Rs=ps. ExecuteQuery ();
The ResultSetMetaData RSMD=rs. For getMetaData ();
Map The map=new HashMap (a);
{if (rs. Next ())
for (int i=0; i String columnLable=RSMD. GetColumnLabel (I + 1);
The Object columnValue=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/rs.getObject (columnLable);
The map. The put (columnLable, columnValue);
If (map. The size () & gt; 0 {
The entity=clazz. NewInstance ();
For (Map. Entry Entry: the map entrySet ()) {
String fieldName=entry. GetKey ();
The Object fieldValue=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/entry.getValue ();
//ReflectionUtils. SetFieldValue (entity, fieldName, fieldValue);
BeanUtils. SetProperty (entity, fieldName, fieldValue);
} the catch (Exception e) {
} the finally {
JDBCTools. Release (rs, ps, connection).//close resources
Return the entity;

//Student class
Public class Student {

Private int FlowID;//serial number
Private int Type.//cet
Private String IDCard; Id//
Private String ExamCard; No.//admission ticket
Private String StudentName;//the student's name
Private String Location;//area
Private int Grade;//student achievement
Public String getLocation () {
Return the Location;
Public void setLocation (String location) {
Public int getFlowID () {
Return FlowID;
Public void setFlowID (int flowID) {
Public int getType () {
The return Type.
Public void setType (int type) {
Public String getIDCard1 () {
Return IDCard;
Public void setIDCard (String iDCard) {
Public String getExamCard () {
Return ExamCard;
Public void setExamCard (String examCard) {
Public String getStudentName () {
Return StudentName;
Public void setStudentName (String studentName) {
Public int getGrade () {
Return Grade;
Public void setGrade (int grade) {

Public Student () {
Public Student (int flowID, int type, String iDCard, String examCard, String studentName, String location,
{int grade)
@ Override
Public String toString () {
Return "Student [FlowID=" + + "FlowID, Type=" + + "Type, IDCard=" + IDCard + ", ExamCard="+ ExamCard
+ ", StudentName="+ StudentName +", the Location="+ Location +" Grade="+ +"] "Grade;


CodePudding user response:

You of the attribute name to lowercase letter, BeanUtils is determined based on the setter attribute name

CodePudding user response:

It is these small problems usually do not pay attention to can let a person crazy
Public class Student {

Private int flowID;//serial number
private int type;//cet
Private String iDCard; Id//
Private String examCard; No.//admission ticket
Private String studentName;//the student's name
Private String location;//area
Public int getFlowID () {
Return flowID;

String SQL="select Flow_ID as flowID, type, ID_Card iDCard,"
+ "Exam_Card examCard, Student_Name studentName, location,"
+ "Grade from stud_infor Where Flow_ID=?" ;

Results returned Student [flowID=1, type=4, iDCard=412824195263214584, examCard=200523164754000, studentName=Zhang Feng, zhengzhou location=]

CodePudding user response:

Thank you upstairs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CodePudding user response:

Entity class bean should have corresponding values the get () and set () method to the assignment
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