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Who is a great god help me to see what the program error, can be out of the black box, but not out o


# include
# include
# include
# include
using namespace std;
Const int N=10;
Double the add (int min, int Max, int n);
Double sub (int min, int Max, int n);
Double the mul (int min, int Max, int n);
Double div (int min, int Max, int n);
Void main ()
Srand ((unsigned) time (NULL));//initializes the random number generator
Int imin, imax, k;
double s;
Char ch='1';
While (ch!='0');
Cout<& lt;" \ t -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- elementary arithmetic trainers -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- \ n ";
Cout<& lt;" \ n please select operation type ";
Cout<& lt;" \ n \ n ";
Cout<& lt;" \ \ t t0. \ n "end & lt; & lt;" \ \ t t1. \ n an addition operation "& lt; & lt;" \ \ t t2. Subtract \ n
"<& lt;" \ \ t t3. The multiplication \ n "& lt; & lt;" \ \ t t4. Division \ n ";
Cout<& lt;" T \ \ t please select (0 to 4) : ";
Ch=getch ();
While (ch=='0') break;
While (ch> '4') continue;
Cout<& lt;" \ n \ n ";
Cout<& lt;" \ n please choose the type of operand range: ";
Cout<& lt;" \ n \ n ";
Cout<& lt;" T \ \ n \ t1 0-9 \ n "& lt; & lt;" \ \ t t2 0-99 \ n "& lt; & lt;" \ \ t t3 0-999 \ n "& lt; & lt;" \ \ t t4 0-9999 \ n ";
Cin> k;
The switch (k)
Case 1: imin=0, imax=9; break;
Case 2: imin=0, imax=99; break;
Case 3: imin=0, imax=999; break;
Case 4: imin=0, imax=9999; break;
The switch (ch)
Case '1' ://add
S=add (imin, imax, N); break;
Case '2' ://subtract
S=sub (imin, imax, N); break;
Case '3' ://multiplication
S=the mul (imin, imax, N); break;
Case '4' ://division
S=div (imin, imax, N); break;
Cout<& lt;" The test score: "& lt; system("pause");
While (ch!='0');
Double the add (int min, int Max, int n)
Int a, b, c, ans, ok=0;
for(int i=0; i{
A=rand () % (Max - min + 1) + min;
B=rand () % (Max - min + 1) + min;//calculate the standard answer, according to the title, the user answer
C=a + b;
Cout<& lt;" The first "& lt; }
Return ok * 10.0/2;
Double sub (int min, int Max, int n)
Int a, b, c, ans, ok=0;
for(int i=0; iA=rand () % (Max - min + 1) + min;
B=rand () % (Max - min + 1) + min;
If (aA, c=a=b, b=c.//calculate the standard answer, according to the title, the user answer
C=a - b;
Cout<& lt;" The first "& lt; }
Ok/return 10.0 * 2;
Double the mul (int min, int Max, int n)
Int a, b, c, ans, ok=0;
for(int i=0; i{
A=rand () % (Max - min + 1) + min;
B=rand () % (Max - min + 1) + min;//calculate the standard answer, according to the title, the user answer
C=a * b;
Cout<& lt;" The first "& lt; }
Ok/return 10.0 * 2;
Double div (int min, int Max, int n)
Int a, b, c, ans, ok=0;
for(int i=0; i{
//have two operands
A=rand () % (Max - min + 1) + min;
B=rand () % (Max - min + 1) + min;
If (a==0) a +=1;
If (b==0) b +=1;
If (a{
While (a % b!=0);//calculate the standard answer, according to the topic, the user answer,
Cout<& lt;" The first "& lt; "}
Ok/return 10.0 * 2;
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