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Small white for help, you help me to look at the code to what is going wrong


Started learning data structure, do you want to be a student information management system of the project, to add student information finished this part of the operation and then stop running show, where there is something wrong with ah I

# define comparename "2016550707"
# define compareword "666666"

Typedef enum menu
{the Exit, the Add, Show, Delete, sort, Change, Search, Lesson #,
} the MENU;

Struct Lb//define the structure as a chain of nodes, storage of student information
{char cName [50];
Char cNumber [50].
Int iMath;
Int iEnglish;
Int iProgram;
Int iScore;
Struct Lb * pNext;


Void ini ();
Int islogin ();
Int Manuselect ();
Void the mainmenu ();
Void Add_Information ();
Void the Quit ();

Lb * pNew=NULL;
Lb * pHead=NULL;
Char username [11].
Char password [6].
Int K, iCount;

Int main ()
Ini ();
The mainmenu ();
return 0;

The system is initialized

Void ini ()
System (color "f5");
Printf (" welcome to the student management system \ n ");
Printf (" please input your account: ");
Gets (username); printf("\n");
Printf (" please input your password: ");
Gets (password);
Islogin ();

Determine whether login
Int islogin ()

{int I;
Char cuowu []={" input errors to input "};
while(! (STRCMP (username, comparename)==0 & amp; & STRCMP (password, compareword)==0))
for(i=0; i<9. I++)
Printf (" % c ", cuowu [I]);
Sleep (300);
Getch ();
System (" Cls ");
Ini ();
return 1;

Directory to choose

Int Manuselect ()
{char c;
System (" CLS ");
Sleep (300);
Printf (" \ n \ n \ n ");
Printf (" \ \ t \ \ t t t1 add information 2 grades show \ n ");
Printf (" \ \ t \ \ t t t3 delete information 4 scores ranking \ n ");
Printf (" \ t t \ \ t \ t5 scores query information exchange 6 \ n ");
Printf (" \ t t \ \ t \ n \ 0 exit t7 has curriculum system ");
Printf (" do you want to do (0 to 7) : ");
C=getche ();
If (c> '7' | | c<'0')
Manuselect ();

Return the c - '0';

The main menu

Void the mainmenu ()
If (islogin ()==1)
{system (" CLS ");

The switch (Manuselect ())
Case (Add) :
System (" CLS ");
Add_Information ();
Sleep (300);
The Quit ();
System (" CLS ");
Printf (" the name 'LLL ");
The Quit ();


Add information
Void Add_Information ()

System (" CLS ");
PNew=(Lb) * malloc (sizeof (Lb));
Printf (" \ \ t \ \ t \ \ t t t t add student information: \ n \ n \ n \ n \ \ t \ \ t \ \ t t t t student number: ");
The scanf (" % s ", pNew - & gt; CNumber);
Printf (" \ n \ \ t \ \ t \ \ t t t t name: ");
The scanf (" % s ", pNew - & gt; CName);
Printf (" \ n \ \ t \ \ t \ \ t t t t: higher mathematics ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; PNew - & gt; IMath);
Printf (" \ n \ \ t \ \ t \ \ t t t t college English: ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; PNew - & gt; IEnglish);
Printf (" \ n \ \ t \ \ t \ \ t t t t program design: ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; PNew - & gt; IProgram);
PNew - & gt; IScore=pNew - & gt; IEnglish + pNew - & gt; IMath + pNew - & gt; IProgram;
PNew - & gt; PNext=pHead - & gt; PNext;
PHead - & gt; PNext=pNew;
Exit options
Void the Quit ()
{char ch;
Ch=getch ();
If (ch==0 x1b)//esc key press
_exit (0);
The mainmenu ();

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