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FastDFS file upload


Upload a file to perform the upload right part of the code, won a file upload directory below breakpoint

A query, but found no this file on the server

Then lead to the front-end 404

Tried first half path is not the problem, can normal visit pictures

This is the configuration fastdfs

Feeling a little meng, it should be uploaded successfully will give me the return path, the result is out of this strange things

Fastdfs structures with this directive, specifies the nginx port 80 and storage file path
Docker run - d - restart=always - ring=true -.net=host - name=fastdfs= - e - e IP WEB_PORT=80 - v ${HOME}/fastdfs:/var/local/FDFS registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/tianzuo/fastdfs

Nginx configuration here
The user root; With the

Server {
listen 80;
Server_name localhost.

The location/{
Root lx_storehouse;
The index login. HTML;

The location/group1 M00 {

I hope bosses under the guidance of the

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