2. Modify the port number: ServerModule - the port attribute
3. Modify the program display mode: ServerModule - MainFormDisplayMode mfPage web page display, mfwindow window display,
4. How to set up the compiled executable file icon, development environment IDE to the main menu: Project - & gt; The Options - & gt; Application - & gt; Application Icon Settings, select an Icon,
5. Other tips and window tag changes below:
6. MainModule generally used to put data connection, because this window in each session will create a, can't put these ServerModule,
7. Add a window, you can use a new Form, and then there are three options, generally choose application window, login, generally only one, choose when project creation, free Form basic need not,
8. Just open a window to show directly, do not need to create, you can also like CS development, set not maximize, or Settings window mode for bsDialog BorderStyle, this window is shown in the dialog box, can be directly use the close window is closed,
9. Tip about message box box, to use messageDlg, for uniForm rewrite, specific use the format as follows, general need a localization of the statement is used to modify the title of the window,
MessageDlg (' the current record you have the right to modify! ', mtError, [mbOK], nil);
UniSession. AddJS (' Ext get (" _header messagebox - 1001 - the title - textEl "). The setText (" error ") ');
10. Each time you run the application, automatic call browser application,
Have to manually open the browser when it is applied in each run, input address each port, or a bit of trouble, and automatically start in the ServerModule method, every run will be able to open a browser and open their own applications, need to quote Winapi. ShellAPI, uniGUIDialogs;
10. Click unidbgrid column sorting: first set properties need to row sequence Sortable is true, then write an event in the form of oncolumnsort
UniDBGrid1. Columns [1]. Sortable:=True;
11. Add unidbgird export excle function, need to third-party plug-in NativeExcel. V. 3.9.7, use the TDataset2Excel
12. Document import and export, and preview the
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CodePudding user response:
Not easy ah, ladies and gentlemen, novice, USES the uniGUI, ha ha