Procedure TForm1. BitBtn_CXClick (Sender: TObject);
The begin
ClientDataSet1. RemoteServer:=DSProviderConnection1;
ClientDataSet2. RemoteServer:=DSProviderConnection1;
ClientDataSet1. Close;
ClientDataSet1.Com mandText:='SELECT U_id, U_name FROM T_USER';
ClientDataSet1. Open;
DBGridEh1. The DataSource:=DataSource1;
DataSource1. The DataSet:=ClientDataSet1;
ClientDataSet2. Close;
ClientDataSet2.Com mandText:='SELECT U_XH, U_MC FROM T_BJ';
ClientDataSet2. Open;
With ClientDataSet2 do
The begin
Combobox1. Items. The Add (Trim (ClientDataSet2 FieldByname (' U_MC). AsString) are identical);
ClientDataSet2. Next;
On E: the Exception do
The begin
Application. MessageBox (' failure ', 'prompt', mb_iconinformation + mb_ok);
Procedure TForm1. BitBtn_SAVEClick (Sender: TObject);
The begin
ClientDataSet1. Edit;
ClientDataSet1. FieldByName (' U_name '). AsString:=Edit1. Text;
ClientDataSet1. ApplyUpdates (1);
Application. MessageBox (PChar (' successfully saved '+ CHAR (13) + CHAR (13)),' tip 'mb_iconinformation + mb_ok);
CodePudding user response:
If you comment out the following this paragraph can be saved, what the hell is this?ClientDataSet2. Close;
ClientDataSet2.Com mandText:='SELECT U_XH, U_MC FROM T_BJ';
ClientDataSet2. Open;
With ClientDataSet2 do
The begin
Combobox1. Items. The Add (Trim (ClientDataSet2 FieldByname (' U_MC). AsString) are identical);
ClientDataSet2. Next;
CodePudding user response:
1, in principle you ClientDataSet2 just give combobox1 data, after use should be shut down;2, at the same time open two ClientDataSet is ok, don't know what you are here, there are other reasons, on the ClientDataSet actually data locally, and with the server has been disconnected,
CodePudding user response:
ClientDataSet1. FieldByName (' U_name '). AsString:=Edit1. Text;Need to POST to use applyupdate, here?
ClientDataSet1. ApplyUpdates (1);