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R language to calculate the employee salary according to the classification of the average education


The data & lt; - read. CSV (" Employee data. CSV ", and the header=TRUE)
Names (salary)
STR (salary)
Tapply ($salary data list ($edu data, data $gender), mean, na. The rm=FALSE)
F m
12 NA NA
14 NA NA
15 NA NA
16 NA NA
17 NA NA
18 NA NA
19 NA NA
20 NA NA
21 NA NA
Should be calculated results for the
Educ f m
8, 21475, 28213
12, 24166, 29441
14 31625
15, 27050, 33528
16, 40154, 53761
17, 29100, 62570
18 65128
19 72520
20 64313
21 65000
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