The mainstream of web application development technology, for example, the background in most mainstream Java language, for example) :
1, the front-end js framework, vue
Vue incremental JavaScript framework for building the user interface, and other large frame, Vue applications can be designed to step by step a bottom-up, Vue core library only pay attention to the view layer, easy integration with third-party libraries or both project,
2, the front desktop form library, element
Element for developers, designers and product managers to prepare the perfect beautiful based on Vue 2.0 desktop client component library,
3, the database layer technique, JDBC
JDBC (Java database connectivity) is used to execute SQL statements Java API, can provide uniform access to a variety of relational database, it consists of a set of classes and interfaces written in the Java language, JDBC provides a benchmark, accordingly can build more advanced tools and interfaces, enable the database developers to write the database applications,
4, data persistence layer, MyBatis
MyBatis persistence layer framework supports custom SQL, stored procedure and advanced mapping, MyBatis avoids almost all JDBC code and manual setting parameters and obtain a result set, MyBatis can use a simple XML or annotations to primitive types, configuration and mapping interface and Java POJO to records in the database,
Part five, the background frame, for SpringMVC
For SpringMVC java-based Web MVC design pattern is achieved, the request drive type of lightweight Web framework, which USES the idea of MVC architecture pattern, and responsibilities of decoupling the Web layer;
6, the search engine technology, elasticsearch
ElasticSearch search server based on Lucene, provides a distributed full-text search engine users ability, more RESTful web based interface, ElasticSearch is developed in Java, and released as open source under the Apache license terms, is the enterprise of the current popular search engines,
Designed for use in cloud computing, can achieve real-time search, stable, reliable, fast, easy installation and use,
7, caching technology, redis
Redis is an open source using ANSI C language, support network, can be based on memory persistence log type, the Key - Value database, and provide a variety of language API,