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Please help me to look at the add function and display function in the what's the problem


using namespace std;

The class MyWord
//define myword members of the class data
Static int num.
Char * pdata;
Int length;
Const int a;
Friend ostream& Operator<(ostream& , MyWord&);//declare friend yuan overloaded operators "& lt; & lt;" The function
Friend istream& Operator> (istream& , MyWord&);//declare friend yuan overloaded operators & gt; "" & gt;" The function

//constructor initializes a
MyWord (char * pd="qwertyuiopasdfghjkl, int n=0) : a (n)
Length=strlen (pd);
Pdata=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/new char [length + 1];
Strcpy (pdata, pd);//copies string pd to pdata
cout <"To start the calls the constructor... "& lt; }
//class of deep copy constructor
MyWord (const MyWord& S) : a (s.a)
Length=s.l ength;
Pdata=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/new char [length + 1];
Strcpy (pdata, supachai panitchpakdi data);
cout <"The deep copy constructor" & lt; Num++;
MyWord operator=(const MyWord& S)//overloaded=
Length=s.l ength;
Pdata=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/new char [length + 1];
Strcpy (pdata, supachai panitchpakdi data);
cout <"Call the overloading of the equal sign" & lt; Return * this;

~ MyWord ();//
Ostream& Operator<(ostream& OS, MyWord& MW)
OS & lt; Return the OS;
Istream& Operator> (istream& Is, MyWord& MW)
Is & gt;> MW. Pdata;
The return is;

Int MyWord: : num=0;

The class Sentence: MyWord
Vector a;//inheritance myword
Void Length ();
Void the Add ();
Void the Show ();
Void Menu ();


MyWord: : ~ MyWord ()
cout <"Start the destructor call... "& lt; Pdata [0]='\ 0';
The delete pdata;//data release

Void Sentence: : Length ()
cout <& lt;" Sentence length is: "& lt; }

Void Sentence: : Add ()
MyWord word;
While (cin & gt;> Word)
Amy polumbo ush_back (word);

Void Sentence: : Show ()//for

Vector : : iterator m=a. do v.begin ();
for (; m !=a.e nd (); + + m)
cout <* m & lt; }


Void Sentence: : Menu ()
cout cout <"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" & lt; cout <"* * * * * * end of 0 process" & lt; cout <"* * * * * * 1 add word" & lt; cout <"* * * * * * 2 show sentence" & lt; cout <"Number * * * * * * 3 words" & lt; cout <"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" & lt; cout cout <"Please enter the serial number of your choice:";
MyWord f (MyWord A)
MyWord D (" abs ", 3);
Return D;

Int main ()
//test for
cout <"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" & lt; cout <"Beginning of the test & lt;" cout <"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" & lt; Acsd MyWord A (" ");
MyWord C=A;//test deep copy function
C=f (A);
cout <"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" & lt; cout <"End of the test & lt;" cout <"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" & lt;
Char flag='1';
What S;
While (flag!='0')
S.M emu ();
cin> Flag;
If (flag=='1')
S.A dd ();
Else if (flag=='2')
S.S how ();
Else if (flag=='3')
S.L ength ();
Else if (flag=='0');
The else
cout <"Input error" & lt; flag=1;



CodePudding user response:

Have a memory leak, the operator=, followed by the operator should return references
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