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A Delhpi 7, can find figure look for the color word source code!


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Problem not clear,

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Like the desert of the plugin to find, find, looking for a word, the source code,

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Online search BitmapData, see if you want,
//bitmap data processing, mainly used for searching to find figure color bitmap
On May 29,//author: yeye552009 years
//this file copyright owned by yeye55, all rights reserved.
//the code in this document is a free program, without any authorization or permission for personal and business purposes, the user all the consequences,
//if you reprint the code in this file, please indicate the source code and code the author;
//if you modify the code in this file, please indicate the position and modifying the author,
//this file first released on http://www.programbbs.com/bbs/
//update on May 31, 2009:
//there is a small BGU, mainly is to capture the mouse pointer image without considering the current background color, is black all the time,
//updated to intercept the mouse pointer to the current picture will use the current background color fill background, if you do not specify a background color in
//use the white (RGB (255255255)) filling,
//on July 10, 2011 update:
//add a CopyFormBitmap in TBDBitmapData class members, this function can be from TBitmap object
Copy//copy the picture, you can specify the location of the picture, size,

The function LoadFromStream (Stream: TStream; ABackColor: TBDColor=BD_COLORLESS) : Boolean;
The function SaveToStream (Stream: TStream) : Boolean;
The function LoadFromFile (const FileName: string; ABackColor: TBDColor=BD_COLORLESS) : Boolean;
The function SaveToFile (const FileName: string) : Boolean;
The function LoadFromBitmap (Bitmap: TBitmap) : Boolean;
The function SaveToBitmap (Bitmap: TBitmap) : Boolean;
The function CopyFormBitmap (SrcBitmap: TBitmap; Left: an Integer=1; Top: Integer=1; AWidth: Integer=1; AHeight: Integer=1) : Boolean;
The function CopyFormScreen (Left: Integer=1; Top: Integer=1; AWidth: Integer=1; AHeight: Integer=1) : Boolean;
The function CopyFormCursor: Boolean;
The function Compare (Bmp: TBDBitmapData; Left: an Integer=0; Top: Integer=0) : Boolean; The phrase ";
The function Compare (Bmp: TBDBitmapData; Const Range: TBDColorRange; Left: an Integer=0; Top: Integer=0) : Boolean; The phrase ";
The function FindImage (Bmp: TBDBitmapData; Var Left, Top: Integer) : Boolean; The phrase ";
The function FindImage (Bmp: TBDBitmapData; Const Range: TBDColorRange; Var Left, Top: Integer) : Boolean; The phrase ";
The function FindCenterImage (Bmp: TBDBitmapData; Var Left, Top: Integer) : Boolean; The phrase ";
The function FindCenterImage (Bmp: TBDBitmapData; Const Range: TBDColorRange; Var Left, Top: Integer) : Boolean; The phrase ";
The function EnumImage (Bmp: TBDBitmapData; EnumImageProc: TBDEnumImageProc; LParam: Integer=0) : Boolean; The phrase ";
The function EnumImage (Bmp: TBDBitmapData; Const Range: TBDColorRange; EnumImageProc: TBDEnumImageProc; LParam: Integer=0) : Boolean; The phrase ";
The function FindColor (Color: TBDColor; Var Left, Top: Integer) : Boolean; The phrase ";
The function FindColor (Color: TBDColor; Const Range: TBDColorRange; Var Left, Top: Integer) : Boolean; The phrase ";
The function FindCenterColor (Color: TBDColor; Var Left, Top: Integer) : Boolean; The phrase ";
The function FindCenterColor (Color: TBDColor; Const Range: TBDColorRange; Var Left, Top: Integer) : Boolean; The phrase ";
The function EnumColor (Color: TBDColor; EnumColorProc: TBDEnumColorProc; LParam: Integer=0) : Boolean; The phrase ";
The function EnumColor (Color: TBDColor; Const Range: TBDColorRange; EnumColorProc: TBDEnumColorProc; LParam: Integer=0) : Boolean; The phrase ";
The property Name: String read FName write FName;//the name of the bitmap
The property Width: Integer read FWidth;//bitmap width (in pixels)
The property Height: Integer read FHeight;//bitmap height (in pixels)
The property BackColor: TBDColor read FBackColor write FBackColor;//background color format (BGR)
The property of our LineWidth: Integer read FLineWidth;//alignment after each row width (bytes)
The property SpareWidth: Integer read FSpareWidth;//align each row after extra width (bytes)
The property Size: Integer read FSize;//the bitmap data length
The property Bits: PByteAry read FBits;//the bitmap data buffer
Property Pixels [Left, Top: Integer] : TBDColor read GetPixels write SetPixels; The default;

CodePudding user response:

Online search for a method of use, https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_34211761/article/details/86039578 is useful
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