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Why has the code behind.



//user information
Typedef struct tagPerson
Char szUsername [20].
Char szPassword [7].
Char szAccoutNumber [20].
Float fMoney;
} Person;

Typedef struct tagNode
Person per;//data domain
Struct tagNode * pNext;//pointer field
} the Node;

Node * g_pHead=NULL;//head node

Int CreateAccout ();

Int main ()
System (color 2 "f");
Printf (" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \ n ");
Printf (" \ n \ t \ \ t t * * ");
Printf (" \ t \ \ t t bank ATM * * empire \ n ");
Printf (" \ n \ t \ \ t t * * ");
Printf (" \ t \ \ t t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \ n ");
Printf (" \ n \ t \ \ t t * * ");
Printf (" \ t \ \ t t * 1. Open an account * \ n ");
Printf (" \ t \ \ t t * 2. Login * \ n ");
Printf (" \ t \ \ t t * 3. The front desk information center * \ n ");
Printf (" \ t \ \ t t * 4. Please select your need * \ n ");
Printf (" \ n \ t \ \ t t * * ");
Printf (" \ t \ \ t t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \ n ");

Char ch=getch ();
The switch (ch)
Case '1' : CreateAccout ();
Case '2' :
Case '3' :
Case '4' :

return 0;

Int CreateAccout ()
Printf (" please input your name \ n ");
Char szUsername [20].
The scanf (" % s ", szUsername);

Printf (" please set your bank card password \ n ");
Char szPassword [7].
The scanf (" % s ", szPassword);

Printf (" please set your bank card password again \ n ");
Char szRePassword [7].
The scanf (" % s ", szRePassword);

If (0!=STRCMP (szPassword szRePassword))
Printf (" input password twice. \ n ");
return 0;

//generate a bank accountChar szAccoutNum [20].
Srand ((unsigned int) time (NULL));
Sprintf (szAccoutNum, "% d % d % d % d % d % d", (rand () % 9000) + 1000, (9000) the rand () % + 1000, (9000) the rand () % + 1000, (9000) the rand () % + 1000, (9000) the rand () % + 1000, rand () % 10, rand () % 10);//format a string

Node * p=g_pHead;
While (g_pHead!=NULL& & P - & gt; PNext!=NULL)
P=p - & gt; PNext;

//generic pointer to void *
Node * pNewNode=(*) malloc (sizeof (Node));
The STRCMP (pNewNode - & gt; Per the szUsername szUsername);
The STRCMP (pNewNode - & gt; Per the szPassword szPassword);
The STRCMP (pNewNode - & gt; Per szAccoutNumber, szAccoutNum);
PNewNode - & gt; Per. FMoney=0.0 f;

//added to the end node
If (g_pHead==NULL)
The else
P - & gt; PNext=pNewNode;
Printf (" your account information is as follows: \ n ");
Printf (" \ n \ t name: % s ", pNewNode - & gt; Per. SzUsername);
Printf (" \ n \ t card number: % s ", pNewNode - & gt; Per. SzAccoutNumber);
Printf (" \ t balance: % 0.2 f \ n ", pNewNode - & gt; Per. FMoney);

Printf (" congratulations, account application is successful. Please login \ n ");
return 1;

Why has the code behind.

CodePudding user response:

You directly use the
Printf (" \ n \ t name: % s ", szUsername);
Give it a try, if the output is normal, that Node * pNewNode=(*) malloc (sizeof (Node)); Application of memory not clean,
After using memset will reset the region's give it a try,
Memset (pNewNode, 0, sizeof (Node));
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