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Delphi to create a temporary table is always quote execption edbengineerror module in bdertl60. BPL


Written in Delphi programs often tip: create a temporary table when open execption edbengineerror in module bdertl60. BPL at 0000 be06
This time can only clear up the plug-in, and then restart the computer to things again, excuse me everybody through passing great geek help analyzing this is probably what causes it, thank you

CodePudding user response:

Create a temporary table is through what way? SQL statements?

CodePudding user response:

TableName:='C: \ TSXX \ TSXX + FormatDateTime (' YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZZZ, Now) +' DB ';
QueryLocal. SQL. Text:=
'create table' + TableName + '" "' +
'(' +
'KSBH integer,' +/- department number
'YSBH integer,' +/- the doctor number
'YSXM char (10)'/+/- the doctor name
QueryLocal. ExecSQL;
TableYS. TableName:=TableName;
TableYS. Open;

CodePudding user response:

Would you write this path are dead, the path has to be the problem?

CodePudding user response:

No, the path I was actually make it flexible access, so path is sure no problem, feeling is bde is occupied by a person, because sometimes is good, reinstall the bde after reboot again good, is often so, every time is reshipment bde restart to fix, is a headache

CodePudding user response:

Program as an administrator to run test, it is possible that procedure insufficient permissions?

CodePudding user response:

Is useful to begin with, only with the use or after a period of time, open it again

CodePudding user response:

Would the database connection to the program is broken, you can use this procedure to restart?

CodePudding user response:

Have to restart the computer to use, application restart all not line
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