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A books management system management system course design genuflect is begged


Books management system management system
Problem description: realize the books management system management system, mainly for librarians and library management and query service,
Basic function:
Program must be linked list data structure was adopted to realize,
Book information including at least the following information: title, ISBN, author, publisher, publication date, storage time, inventory (the number of the library to buy the book), borrowing number (by borrowing the book),
The librarian identity can do the following:
(1) entry: add a book information;
(2) delete: delete a book information;
(3) modification: modify the information of a book;
(4) query: according to the title or books ISBN query book information (optional: simple condition query, query combination conditions, etc.),
(5) sorting: according to the title or the information such as storage time for sorting, as far as possible to improve search and maintenance performance;
(6) borrow books: lend a book, the book's increased borrowing a book,
(7) also book: a book back, reduce the amount of the book borrowing a book,
(8) statistics: statistics all the number of books borrowed, i.e., the sum of all the book lending volume,
(9) output: the output of all books, all information format for clean, convenient viewing,
Extend the functionality requirements:
(1) export: storing user information exported to a file.
(2) to realize the graphical user interface to interact with users,
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