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2 g graphics screen color is normal, 4 g graphics screen color is not correct


2 g graphics screen color is normal, 4 g graphics screen color is not correct, take color software downloaded from the Internet, under the 4 g graphics color is not correct, what reason be?

CodePudding user response:

This should be a hardware problem:
1, 4 G graphics card driver installation, can show normal,
2, after installed the driver, still can't display normal color, is the graphics card failure,
3 well, a good video card driver installed, a special set of software, can adjust the color difference,

CodePudding user response:

The same program, under 2 g graphics color is normal, the color under the 4 g graphics is not correct, should be linked to the graphics card,

CodePudding user response:

The color software algorithm of the color is what?

CodePudding user response:

The GetCurSorPos (P);//get screen coordinates
The fBmp: TBitMap=. Create;
FBmp. Width:=1;
FBmp. Height:=1;

ScreenDC:=CreateDC (' DISPLAY 'nil nil, nil);//get the entire screen
BitBlt (fBmp. Canvas. Handle, 0, 0, fBmp. Width, fBmp. Height, ScreenDC, P.X, P.Y, SRCCOPY);

FrmMain. LblR. Caption:=inttostr (GetRValue (fBmp. Canvas. Pixels [0, 0]));
FrmMain. LblG. Caption:=inttostr (GetGValue (fBmp. Canvas. Pixels [0, 0]));
FrmMain. LblB. Caption:=inttostr (GetBValue (fBmp. Canvas. Pixels [0, 0]));

DeleteDC (ScreenDC);

FBmp. Free;

The algorithm in c + + also not line, only the screen, the color on the screenshots can get the exact color,
How do I set up 100 points, share this with you,
Really not line, can only in 2 g graphics,

CodePudding user response:

Only use API is ok:
P: TPoint;
C: TColor;
The begin
The GetCursorPos (P);
D:=GetDC (0);
C:=GetPixel (D, P.X, P.Y);
Caption:=Format (" % d % d % d ', [byte (c), and byte (8 SHR c), byte (SHR 16) c]);
ReleaseDC (0, D);

CodePudding user response:

The GetCursorPos (P);
D:=GetDC (0);
C:=GetPixel (D, P.X, P.Y);
Caption:=Format (" % d % d % d ', [byte (c), and byte (8 SHR c), byte (SHR 16) c]);
ReleaseDC (0, D);
The color is still not right

CodePudding user response:

Find out where! The reason of the display resolution, but why the resolution is different, can cause this kind of result, reason don't understand,

CodePudding user response:

Should have nothing to do with the resolution, or coordinate to deal with problems, the key is how do you determine the color is not correct,
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