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The output of the binary tree


Typedef char datatype.
Typedef struct node
Datatype data;
Struct node * lchild;
Struct node * rchild;
} bitnode, * bitree;
//create a binary list
Void createbitree (bt) bitree *
char ch;
Ch=getchar ();
If (ch=')
The else
* bt=(bitree) malloc (sizeof (bitnode));
Bt (*) - & gt; data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/ch;
Createbitree (& amp; (bt) (* - & gt; Lchild));
Createbitree (& amp; (bt) (* - & gt; Rchild));
//first order traversing binary tree
Void preorder (bitree root)
If (root!=NULL)
Printf (" % c ", root - & gt; The data);//access to the root node
Preorder (root - & gt; Lchild);//sequence traversal first left subtree
Preorder (root - & gt; Rchild);//first sequence traversal right subtree
//sequence traversal of binary tree
Void inorder (bitree root)
If (root!=NULL)
Inorder (root - & gt; Lchild);//sequence traversal first left subtree
Printf (" % c ", root - & gt; The data);//access to the root node
Inorder (root - & gt; Rchild);//first sequence traversal right subtree
//order after traversing binary tree
Void postorder (bitree root)
If (root!=NULL)
Postorder (root - & gt; Lchild);//sequence traversal first left subtree
Postorder (root - & gt; Rchild);//first sequence traversal right subtree
Printf (" % c ", root - & gt; The data);//access to the root node
Void main ()
Bitree p;
Printf (" please enter the established binary tree \ n ");
Createbitree (& amp; P);
Printf (" first sequence traversal output binary tree \ n ");
Preorder (p);
Printf (" output sequence traversal of binary tree \ n ");
Inorder (p);
Printf (" after the sequence traversal output binary tree \ n ");
Postorder (p);

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