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Delphi control development


TDBQuery=class (TQuery)
{Private declarations}
FTableName: string;
FKeyField: string;
FKeyValue: String;
FFieldList: TRFields;
FDBState: TEditType;
Fcode: String;
FKeyFields: String;
Fnewcode: String;
FSQLCommatext: String;
FIDField: String;
FIDFieldlength: Integer;//0 idfieldtype is int.> 0 idfieldtype is string
FNoField: String;
FMenuField: String;
FTitle: String;
FUpdateSQL: TUpdateSQL;
FFieldMut: TStringList;
FFieldstring: String;
FPageheadLeft: String;
FPageheadRight: String;
FPageMiddle: String;
FPagefootLeft: String;
FPagefootRight: String;
FBookMark: TBookmark;
FAutoNewId: Boolean;
FSysTable: Boolean;
FprintField: TStringList;
FMaxRowCount: Integer;
FOnFieldChange: TDBQueryFieldChange;
FafterCreateRfield: TNotifyEvent;
Procedure SetTableName (Value: string);
Procedure SetKeyField (Value: string);
Procedure SetKeyValue (Value: String);
Procedure CreateDataSet;
Procedure CreateDBFields;
Procedure CreateFieldList;
Procedure setnewcode (Value: String);
Procedure NewRecord (value: TDataSet);
Procedure Fieldchange (Value: TField);
Procedure setdatatext (Sender: TField; Const Text: string);
Procedure SetFieldMut (value: String);
The Function locateLookFieldSet (value: TRField) : TQuery;
The function createlookfieldList (value: TRField) : String;
The function BGetFieldType (PField: String) : String;
Procedure CreateUpdateSqlCommatext;
Procedure SetDBState (Value: TEditType);
Procedure SetDBQActive;
Procedure ClearDBQ;
Procedure SetMessageTo (value: TComponent);
Procedure SetMessageToScreen;
Procedure SetKeyFieldS (const Value: string);
The function GetTFieldFromRField (Pfield: TRField) : TField;
The function ReadIDField: String;
Procedure SetIDFIeld (const Value: String);
Procedure SetMaxRowCount (const Value: Integer);
Procedure ExecFieldMuilt;
Procedure SetafterCreateRfield (const Value: TNotifyEvent);
Procedure DoBeforeopen; Override.
Procedure doafteropen; Override.
{Protected declarations}
The Function CreateLookFieldSet (value: TRField) : TQuery;
The function PFieldByName (PField: String) : TRField;
Procedure SetFieldVisible PField: (String);
The function PFieldIndexByName (PField: String) : Integer;
Procedure PFieldToListFirst PField: (String);
The property UpdateSQL: TUpdateSQL read FUpdateSQL;
Procedure AddSqlWhereLike (ParaField: String; ParaValue: String);
Procedure AddSqlWhereOther ParaWhereString: (string);
Procedure DeleteWhereOther ParaWhereString: (string);
Procedure AddSqlWhereNotLike (ParaField: String; ParaValue: String);
Procedure AddSqlWhereEquote (ParaField: String; ParaValue: String);
Procedure AddSqlWhereNotEquote (ParaField: String; ParaValue: String);
Procedure AddSqlWherebetween (ParaField: String; Para0 Para9: String);
Procedure AddSqlWhereNotbetween (ParaField: String; Para0 Para9: String);
Procedure AddSqlWhereSmall (ParaField: String; ParaValue: String);
Procedure AddSqlWhereBig (ParaField: String; ParaValue: String);
Procedure DelSqlWhereField ParaField: (String);
Procedure DelSqlOrderField ParaField: (String);
Procedure DelSqlGroupField ParaField: (String);
Procedure DelSqlallField;
Procedure addcode;
The property afterCreateRfield: TNotifyEvent read FafterCreateRfield write SetafterCreateRfield;
The property SysTable: Boolean read FSysTable write FSysTable;
The property AutoNewId: Boolean read FAutoNewId write FAutoNewId;
The property a BookMark: TBookmark read FBookMark write FBookMark;
Procedure AddSqlWhereIn (ParaField: String; ParaValue: String);
Procedure AddSqlWherenotIn (ParaField: String; ParaValue: String);
The property MaxRowCount: Integer read FMaxRowCount write SetMaxRowCount;
The property OnFieldChange: TDBQueryFieldChange read FOnFieldChange write FOnFieldChange;
Procedure AddSqlOrder ParaField: (String);
Procedure AddSqlGroup ParaField: (String);
Procedure CreateSqlCommatext;
//GetSubCommatext: String;//the 2008-05-04 take the from the back of the part of the
The function GetWhere: String;
Procedure SetPFieldReadOnly (PField: String; PValue: Boolean);
The function getnewcode (ParaTable: String) : String;
Procedure createOLookupDataset (Value: TRField);
Procedure savenewcode (ParaTable: String; Paracode: String);
The property PageheadLeft: String read FPageheadLeft write FPageheadLeft;
The property PageheadRight: String read FPageheadRight write FPageheadRight;
The property PageMiddle: String read FPageMiddle write FPageMiddle;
The property PagefootLeft: String read FPagefootLeft write FPagefootLeft;
The property PagefootRight: String read FPagefootRight write FPagefootRight;
The property KeyFieldS: string read FKeyFieldS write SetKeyFieldS;//the updatesql where conditions

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