Home > Back-end >  Eclipse for the first time start the error, error prompt, please refer to the log file, which a grea
Eclipse for the first time start the error, error prompt, please refer to the log file, which a grea


! SESSION 2019-05-29 08:13:16. 168 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Eclipse. BuildId=4.7.3. M20180330-0640
Java version=12.0.1
Java. Vendor=Oracle Corporation
BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86_64, WS=win32, NL=zh_CN
Framework is the arguments: - product org. Eclipse. Epp. Package. The DSL. The product
The Command - line arguments: - OS win32 - ws win32 - arch x86_64 - product org. The eclipse epp. Package. The DSL. The product

! ENTRY org. Eclipse. Osgi 4 0 2019-05-29 08:16:25. 276
! MESSAGE Application error
Org. Eclipse e4. Core. Di. InjectionException: Java. Lang. NoClassDefFoundError: javax.mail/annotation/PostConstruct
At org. Eclipse e4. Core. Internal. Di. InjectorImpl. InternalMake (InjectorImpl. Java: 410)
At org. Eclipse e4. Core. Internal. Di. InjectorImpl. Make (InjectorImpl. Java: 318)
At org. Eclipse e4. Core. Contexts. ContextInjectionFactory. Make (ContextInjectionFactory. Java: 162)
At org. Eclipse e4. UI. Internal. Workbench. SWT. E4Application. CreateDefaultHeadlessContext (E4Application. Java: 491)
At org. Eclipse e4. UI. Internal. Workbench. SWT. E4Application. CreateDefaultContext (E4Application. Java: 505)
At org. Eclipse e4. UI. Internal. Workbench. SWT. E4Application. CreateE4Workbench (E4Application. Java: 204)
The at org. Eclipse. UI. Internal. Workbench. Lambda $3 (614) the Workbench. Java:
At org. Eclipse. Core. Databinding. Observables. Realm. RunWithDefault (336) Realm. Java:
At org. Eclipse. UI. Internal. Workbench. CreateAndRunWorkbench (594) the Workbench. Java:
The at org. Eclipse. UI. PlatformUI. CreateAndRunWorkbench (PlatformUI. Java: 148)
The at org. Eclipse. UI. Internal. Ide. Application. IDEApplication. Start (IDEApplication. Java: 151)
At org. Eclipse equinox. Internal. App. EclipseAppHandle. Run (196) EclipseAppHandle. Java:
The at org. Eclipse. Core. The runtime. Internal. Adaptor. EclipseAppLauncher. RunApplication (EclipseAppLauncher. Java: 134)
The at org. Eclipse. Core. The runtime. Internal. Adaptor. EclipseAppLauncher. Start (EclipseAppLauncher. Java: 104)
The at org. Eclipse. Core. The runtime. Adaptor. EclipseStarter. Run (EclipseStarter. Java: 388)
The at org. Eclipse. Core. The runtime. Adaptor. EclipseStarter. Run (EclipseStarter. Java: 243)
The at Java. The base/JDK. Internal. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
The at Java. The base/JDK. Internal. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 62)
The at Java. The base/JDK. Internal. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java:
The at Java. The base/Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (567) Method. The Java:
At org. Eclipse equinox. The launcher. Main. InvokeFramework (653). The Main Java:
At org. Eclipse equinox. The launcher. Main. BasicRun (590). The Main Java:
At org. Eclipse equinox. The launcher. The Main. The run (1499). The Main Java:
Under Caused by: Java. Lang. NoClassDefFoundError: javax.mail/annotation/PostConstruct
At org. Eclipse e4. Core. Internal. Di. InjectorImpl. Inject (InjectorImpl. Java: 124)
At org. Eclipse e4. Core. Internal. Di. InjectorImpl. InternalMake (InjectorImpl. Java: 399)
. 22 more
Under Caused by: Java. Lang. ClassNotFoundException: javax.mail. The annotation. PostConstruct always be found by org. The eclipse e4. Core. Di_1. 6.100 v20170421-1418
The at org. Eclipse. Osgi. Internal. Loader. BundleLoader. FindClassInternal (BundleLoader. Java: 433)
The at org. Eclipse. Osgi. Internal. Loader. BundleLoader. FindClass (BundleLoader. Java: 395)
The at org. Eclipse. Osgi. Internal. Loader. BundleLoader. FindClass (BundleLoader. Java: 387)
The at org. Eclipse. Osgi. Internal. Loader. ModuleClassLoader. LoadClass (ModuleClassLoader. Java: 150)
The at Java. The base/Java. Lang. This. LoadClass (521). This Java:
. 24 more

! ENTRY org. Eclipse e4. UI. The workbench 4 0 2019-05-29 08:16:25. 296
! The MESSAGE FrameworkEvent ERROR
Java. Lang. NoClassDefFoundError: javax.mail/annotation/PreDestroy
At org. Eclipse e4. Core. Internal. Di. InjectorImpl. Disposed (InjectorImpl. Java: 450)
At org. Eclipse e4. Core. Internal. Di. The Requestor. Disposed (Requestor. Java: 156)
At org. Eclipse e4. Core. Internal. Contexts. ContextObjectSupplier $ContextInjectionListener. Update (78) ContextObjectSupplier. Java:
At org. Eclipse e4. Core. Internal. Contexts. TrackableComputationExt. Update (111) TrackableComputationExt. Java:
At org. Eclipse e4. Core. Internal. Contexts. TrackableComputationExt. HandleInvalid (TrackableComputationExt. Java: 74)
At org. Eclipse e4. Core. Internal. Contexts. EclipseContext. The dispose (EclipseContext. Java: 178)
At org. Eclipse e4. Core. Internal. Contexts. Osgi. EclipseContextOSGi. The dispose (EclipseContextOSGi. Java: 99)
At org. Eclipse e4. Core. Internal. Contexts. Osgi. EclipseContextOSGi. BundleChanged (EclipseContextOSGi. Java: 141)
At org. Eclipse. Osgi, internal framework. BundleContextImpl. DispatchEvent (BundleContextImpl. Java: 908)
At org. Eclipse.. The osgi framework. Eventmgr. EventManager. DispatchEvent (EventManager. Java: 230)
At org. Eclipse.. The osgi framework. Eventmgr. ListenerQueue. DispatchEventSynchronous (ListenerQueue. Java: 148)
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