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The interview


Single note, this software engineering to recognize (sound advantages obviously), but did not enter the competition BAT (envy to BAT bosses), is modest second echelon, before looking for a job has been busy, starting in mid-july to school, to apply for the c + + development background, the written since August, over 30 companies before and after (half) the written kneeling, after suffering two months, had the privilege of at the end of September to get satisfactory offer fare, even end of autumn,
In July, get papers, start looking for a job, pick up foundation, tan teachers "c + + program design" for a time, then had again "effective c + +" (have benefited a lot from a book), "the sword refers to offer" brush again (highly recommended), "data structure" to review again (estimates that no one watch), hou teacher translation "STL source code analysis" just watching the memory management by the end of the month, back to home to relax again next month,
First online exam, August 1, 2 hours of written after the abuse, 5 0 programming ac (too slag), for at home I blow very big, brush again the next day, according to the answer questions so many cool people guest (cattle), know to look for a job is not easy, don't stay at home for a few days went back to school, the first exam should be 9, before I test it for a few days to read "STL source code analysis", the second brush "sword refers to Offer" (how many times feel brush too much), and review the "operating system", "computer network", "UNIX network programming" (didn't read, read as many), from 9 start to enter the edge examination, side brush, the interview of "time" to apply for a job, the first interview are 16 huawei,
? Chatted during the graduate student research direction (which may be quite interested in);
? Done projects;
? Write a regular expression IP (the pit dug themselves, said to use regular project library, but didn't write it),
? Chatted projects;
? What do you think huawei (ok),
Push 17 360 interview (senior), two rounds of technique, a hr side, end of the day all the process (not written feeling cool),
? The role of smart Pointers;
? Linux du, df the difference between the two commands;
? A pure virtual function and implementation approach;
? Singly linked lists reverse output;
? Fast line of thought;
? Tree height of religion;
? Minimum spanning tree algorithm;
? Dynamic programming, the longest common subsequence;
? File permissions to modify;
? First increasing after decreasing in the array to find the most value;
Side feel abused the interviewer, she found herself too many things to review, own really want to go to 360, so the surface finish is a bit annoyed (just the rainy day, and would go interview knelt down large), thought I was out, thought for a moment had received 360, said waiting for the second interview in the afternoon, when feel like winning the lottery,
? STL data structure of the internal implementation;
? The operation of the chain table, find the first K value chain from bottom in the table;
? Find absolute minimum number of sorted array;
? Two stack to achieve a queue;
2 face feels good, logical to three sides (hr, see hr little sister for the first time, excited), three sides over, 360 is the first I've had in a strict sense professing enterprise interview, experience is quite good,
Followed by HOME LINK nets, push the batch, reimburses the fare, went to the imperial city, the interview is also a rainy day, the day after the written five programming problem, are "sword refers to Offer the most (if not quite, can't remember them, in which a problem is a record number of IP access log file, how to find the occurrences of the top ten most IP), they are written out, waiting for one side, the side of the interviewer and smiling all the way, if not nervous, asked the difficulty of the subject to a written exam, ask the IP occurrences that problem is the thinking of that project asked himself did (resume writing for three, each asked), let me wait notice, experience is good, come out from the interview hall, (scan qr code to see progress found a kneeling to give a N a reason, don't recruit c + +, using c + + project, project is not on the business level... . ), to catch the train back to school that day, rainy day, and would go interview knelt down large),
Before the next step is the millet, should let students push, said does not affect the autumn recruit let him push (push feeling will affect the autumn recruit. After all, autumn recruit on an interview),
? The TCP three-way handshake.
? The socket server build process;
? Linux check system commonly used command;
? Linux test memory usage;
? Insert the red-black tree, red and black tree USES (red and black tree didn't see, rotating that came up a no answer).
? Two programming: binary tree image, a collection of all the subsets;
The experience of millet also ok,
Received at the end of Meituan side (push), two days before the interview laboratory have a classmate borrowed Meituan telephone interview, ask a lot of Java and mysql, because haven't review the database before, catch up with the two days of database contents, and... ,
? Project
? Operating system related:
? Process thread difference;
? Interprocess communication, communication mechanism between threads;
? Process scheduling algorithm.
? Linux related command: top, free, sed, grep, cut, netstat, ps... ;
? The OSI seven layer model and the five layer model difference;
? The protocol of each layer.
? TCP, UDP difference;
? TCP three-way handshake, wave four times;
? Redis principle and usage scenarios;
? Mysql implementation mechanism (B + tree);
? Huge amounts of data query operation;
? The ACID characteristic of transaction, the transaction isolation (four: read uncommitted content, read submissions, repeatable read, serializable)
? Several common data structure;
? The realization of the Hashmap;
? The principle of a Hashmap, conflict resolution approach;
? The common sorting algorithms;
? Fast row;
? Two implementations of binary search method (recursive and non-recursive);
? The advantage of the difference between C and C + + and C + +,
Feel Meituan also lay particular stress on the business level, so compare value database and Java language, but language mismatch (also may be for other reasons),
August harvest offers dreams shattered, push over, September autumn recruit, first is zte, somehow, without professional master has been all the way, the project is simple to understand and side, 2 face, eventually face negotiation, then the baidu's interview, it was big companies (BAT is through the family), the basis of a comprehensive,
? STL in various data structure of the underlying implementation;
? The Linux memory management;
? Large file data search;
? Hand code;
? The project;
? Intelligence;
The next day baidu 2 face
? Project, a project with the help of simple genetic algorithm, the result was caught by the interviewer bosses crazy Dui (already in your resume, delete);
? Two hand code (" sword refers to Offer the original ")
? Network protocols, 7 layer network protocol stack and 5 the difference between the network protocol stack;
? Intelligence;
Surface finish to know the result, bug free ability is very important,
Next is the software of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China unionpay, is simple chatted projects, such as notification, and CVTE and deeply convinced,
CVTE side
? What are the new features of c + + 11, smart Pointers.
? The master degree of STL;
? Communication between threads.
? Multithreaded synchronization;
? TCP state transition;
? The project;
2 face
? TCP/UDP understanding;
? Business scenarios, a chat with many people, file transfer and video broadcast function of software design,
Deeply convinced
? Code ability examination;
? The Linux memory management;
? IO reuse technology;
? Interprocess communication, communication between threads;
? The understanding of the subject;
? Daemon create;
2 face
? The understanding of the subject;
? The understanding of switches arp agreement;
? C based examination;
? Linux based command examination;
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