CodePudding user response:
Cover is not to build itself is to read and writeCodePudding user response:
VarTextFileVar: Text;
AssignFile: put an external file name associated with a file variable
Reset: open an existing file
Rewrite: create and open a new file (or override the original file)
Append: to add a way to open a file (only applicable to a text file)
CloseFile: close an open file
FileOpen: open a specific file and returns a file handle
FileCreate: create a file of a given file name and returns the file handle
FileClose: close the handle to a specific file
Three files mainly for the use of internal system, back in the programming of copying files also tend to be used, their operation object is a file handle rather than a file variable
LST: Tstringlist;
The begin
LST:=tstringlist. Create;
LST. LoadFromFile ();
LST. Append (' A=b);
LST. SaveToFile ();
CodePudding user response:
TIniFile this class is in view of the ini fileCodePudding user response:
F:=tinifile. Create (path + '\ config ini');F.W riteString (' LinkInfo ', 'Server' s);
F.F ree;
CodePudding user response:
Ini cut a talk about the[CSYQ]
UserID=9 cc2c196 - C6D6-49 Ed - 962 - e - 6 a98fef9a4e2
The Header=1
REG_SECTION:='CSYQ';//as long as the node name is different, you can add in the original ini
GV_IniFileName:=ExtractFilePath (Application. ExeName) + 'Config. Ini';
GV_IniFile:=TIniFile. Create (GV_IniFileName);
If not GV_IniFile. SectionExists (REG_SECTION) then//judge you want to add nodes in not
The begin
GV_IniFile. WriteInteger (REG_SECTION, 'ClientWidth', the Self. ClientWidth);
GV_IniFile. WriteInteger (REG_SECTION, 'ClientHeight', the Self. ClientHeight);
CodePudding user response: