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Turn to the great god! Homework about C


How to change this to student information stored in file form and educational, and you can add in the file, search, delete, change and read and write operations such as
#include #include #include # define N 50 char name [N] [10]. Int score [N] [3]. int n; Void menu ()/menu/{printf (add a student achievement \ n2 "1 shows all grades \ n3 by name query a student achievement \ n"); Printf (" 4 according to the total score from high to low sequence \ n5 according to name deleted a student achievement \ n6 exit system \ n "); } to void the add ()//add a student achievement {printf (" please enter the student's name: \ n "); The scanf (" % s ", & amp; The name [n]); Printf (" please enter the language result: \ n "); The scanf (" % d ", & amp; Score [n] [0]); Printf (" please enter mathematics result: \ n "); The scanf (" % d ", & amp; Score [n] [1]); Printf (" please enter English: \ n "); The scanf (" % d ", & amp; Score [n] [2]); n++; } to void the search ()/query/{char a, [10]. Int I, b=0, j; Printf (" please enter the need to query name \ n "); The scanf (" % s ", a); for(i=0; i
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