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The basic relationship between natural language processing and electronic engineering


Natural language processing in the field of computer science and artificial intelligence is an important direction, it studies can be achieved in natural language for effective communication between people and computer various theories and methods,
Natural language processing can be further divided into the following 13 research content, also is the direction of the application of natural language processing, the 13 application direction, respectively is: the spoken language input, the written language input and language analysis and understanding, language, spoken language output technology, discourse analysis and dialogue, automatic processing, multiple language problems of computer processing, multi modal of computer processing, information transmission and storage, mathematical methods in natural language processing, language resources, natural language processing system of evaluation, the 13 content involves linguistics, all these studies will be to the formal description language, establish proper algorithm, and implement these algorithms on the computer, therefore, involves mathematics, computer science and logic, spoken language input, the written language input, the oral output, information transmission and storage are need to electronic engineering,
Electronic information engineering is the product design and manufacture of hardware, natural language processing (NLP) by hardware programming language to program to the burn again write and compile, finally after a series of operation form of natural language processing products, in general, is an indispensable part of natural language processing, electrical engineering is the foundation of natural language processing, it is not only in natural language processing, in any electronic equipment electronic engineering is indispensable to a technology,
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