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Rookie help binary tree data structure


Run time has no error, no warning, but no output after the input data, don't know why orz
Bosses, please help to look at, thank you orz

The header file
Using namespace STD.

# define TRUE 1
# define FALSE 0
# define OVERFLOW 0
# define OK 1
# define the ERROR 0

300//# define STACK_INIT_SIZE initialization storage space allocation amount
# define STACKINCREMENT 10//storage space allocation increment
# define MAXLEN 10
Typedef int the Status;

Typedef char TElemType;

Typedef struct BiTNode {
TElemType data;
Struct lchild BiTNode * and * rchild;
} BiTNode, * BiTree;

Typedef BiTree ElemType;

Typedef struct
ElemType * base;
ElemType * top;//the stack pointer
Int stacksize;

The Status InitStack (SqStack & amp; S);//initialize
The Status of Push (SqStack & amp; S, ElemType e);//insert to stack element
The Status of Pop (SqStack & amp; S);//the stack
The Status StackEmpty (SqStack & amp; S);
The Status GetTop (SqStack S, ElemType & amp; E);
The Status StackEmpty (SqStack & amp; S);

The Status CreateBiTree (BiTree & amp; T, char STR []);
The Status PreOrderTraverse (BiTree T);//first sequence traversal
The Status InOrderTraverse (BiTree T);//in the sequence traversal
The Status PostOrderTraverse (BiTree T);//after sequence traversal
The Status SqStackInOrderTraverse BiTree (T);//use the stack non-recursive traversal

The Status InitStack (SqStack & amp; S)
S.b ase=(ElemType *) malloc (STACK_INIT_SIZE * sizeof (ElemType));
if(! S.b ase) exit (OVERFLOW);
S.t op=S.b ase;
S.s tacksize=STACK_INIT_SIZE;
Return OK;

The Status of Push (SqStack & amp; S, ElemType e)
If (S.t op - S.b ase>=S.s tacksize)
S.b ase=(ElemType *) realloc (S.b ase, sizeof (STACK_INIT_SIZE + STACKINCREMENT) * (ElemType));
if(! S.b ase) exit (OVERFLOW);
S.t op=S.b ase + S.s tacksize;
S.s tacksize +=STACKINCREMENT;
* S.t op++=e;
Return OK;

The Status of Pop (SqStack & amp; S, ElemType & amp; E) {
//if the stack is not empty, delete S element of the stack,
//e return its value, and return OK;
//otherwise returns the ERROR
If (S.t op==S.b ase) return the ERROR;
E=* - S.t op;
Return OK;

The Status StackEmpty (SqStack & amp; S)
If (S.t op==S.b ase) return TRUE;
The else return FALSE;

The Status DestroyStack (SqStack & amp; S)
Free (S.b ase);
S.b ase=NULL;
S.t op=NULL;
S.s tacksize=0;
Return OK;

Int StackLength SqStack (S)
Return S.t op - S.b ase;

The Status GetTop (SqStack S, ElemType & amp; E)
If (S.t op==S.b ase) return the ERROR;
E=* - S.t op;
Return OK;

The Status ClearStack (SqStack & amp; S)
S.t op=S.b ase;
Return OK;

Visit Status StackTravers (SqStack S Status (*) (ElemType))
ElemType * p=S.b ase;
If (S.t op==S.b ase) return the ERROR;
if (! Visit (* p)) return the ERROR;
} while (p++!=S.t op);
Return OK;

The Status CreateBiTree (BiTree & amp; T, char STR [])
Static int I=0;
Char data;
data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/str [i++];
The scanf (STR);
If (datahttps://bbs.csdn.net/topics/==') T=NULL;
The else
{T=new BiTNode;
T - & gt; data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/data;
CreateBiTree (T - & gt; Lchild, STR);
CreateBiTree (T - & gt; Rchild, STR);
Return OK;

The Status PreOrderTraverse (BiTree T) {//first sequence traversal
If (T)
Printf (" % c ", T - & gt; The data);
PreOrderTraverse (T - & gt; Lchild);
PreOrderTraverse (T - & gt; Rchild);
} return OK;

The Status InOrderTraverse (BiTree T) {//sequence traversal
If (T)
InOrderTraverse (T - & gt; Lchild);
Printf (" % c ", T - & gt; The data);
InOrderTraverse (T - & gt; Rchild);
} return OK;

After the Status PostOrderTraverse (BiTree T) {//sequence traversal
If (T)
PostOrderTraverse (T - & gt; Lchild);
PostOrderTraverse (T - & gt; Rchild);
Printf (" % c ", T - & gt; The data);
} return OK;

The Status SqStackInOrderTraverse (BiTree T) {
SqStack S;
BiTree p=T;
InitStack (S);
While (p | |! StackEmpty (S)) {
If (p) {Push (S, p); P=p - & gt; Lchild; }
The else {
Pop (S, p);
Printf (" % c ", p - & gt; The data);
P=p - & gt; Rchild;
Return OK;

The main function
# include "B1. H"

Int main ()
BiTree tree;
Char STR [100].
cout<" Please input data ";
CreateBiTree (tree, STR);
cout<" PreOrder: ";
PreOrderTraverse (tree);
coutcout<" InOrder: ";
InOrderTraverse (tree);
coutcout<" PostOrder: ";
PostOrderTraverse (tree);
coutSqStackInOrderTraverse (tree);
coutreturn 0;

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