Use GetSystemInfo to obtain nuclear dwNumberOfProcessors=32 CPU logic, is the total logic of two physical CPU auditing;
On a new computer now, still use GetSystemInfo found that only access to the logic of a CPU auditing; The new computer environment: win10 x64; Two physical CPU; Each CPU is 48 nuclear; Use GetSystemInfo access to CPU logic auditing dwNumberOfProcessors=48, is a physical CPU logic auditing; Why not 96? Great god help explain please, thank!
Attach the use GetSystemInfo access to CPU logic auditing procedures:
GetSystemInfo (& amp; Sys);
Int num=0;
Num=sys. DwNumberOfProcessors;
CodePudding user response:
Speculation is for this reason: your 32-bit application running on WOW64, GetNativeSystemInfo tryTo retrieve accurate information for an application running on WOW64, call the GetNativeSystemInfo function.
CodePudding user response:
GetLogicalProcessorInformationExCodePudding user response: