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Refer ibmmq Java end connection exception great spirit


I have two Linux server
Two machines are deployed ibmmq,
The machine
The queue manager is QM_ORANGE
The local transmission queue is QM_APPLE
The remote queue is Q1
The sender channel is QM_ORANGE QM_APPLE
Server connection channel is CLIENT QM_ORANGE

The machine
The queue manager is QM_APPLE
The local queue is Q1
The receiver channel is QM_ORANGE QM_APPLE

I am used to server server sends the message, a single transmission line,
I wrote a Java program, the configuration file is
# # # # # # the sender configuration START# # # # # #
# the host address
Sender. Host=
# port
Sender. Port=1414
# the CCSID
Sender. Ccsid=819
# the queue manager name
Sender. Manager=QM_ORANGE
# channel name
Sender. Channel=CLIENT. QM_ORANGE
# transport type
Sender. Transtype=1
# queue name
Sender. Queue=Q1
# # # # # # the sender configuration END# # # # # # # #

# # # # # # the receiver configuration START# # # # # #
# the host address
Receiver. The host
# port
Receiver. The port=1414
# the CCSID
Receiver. The ccsid=1208
# the queue manager name
Receiver. The manager=QM_APPLE
# channel name
Receiver. The channel=QM_ORANGE. QM_APPLE
# transport type
Receiver. Transtype=1
# queue name
Receiver. The queue=Q1

Java program is now sending a message times wrong
[queueContainer ERROR | 2020-11-18 11:20:17. 322-11] org. Springframework.. JMS listener. DefaultMessageListenerContainer - Could not refresh the JMS Connection for destination 'queue:///Q1 - retrying using FixedBackOff {interval=5000, currentAttempts=0, maxAttempts=unlimited}. The Cause: JMSWMQ0018: to connect to the queue manager "QM_APPLE" failure, Connection mode as the "Client", the host called " (1414)",; Nested exception is com. IBM. Mq. MQException: JMSCMQ0001: IBM mq call fails, the code for "2" (" MQCC_FAILED "), reason code is "2539" (" MQRC_CHANNEL_CONFIG_ERROR "),

Don't know how to solve have been submitted to the wrong, is that Linux server there something need to be configured, or Java program also need to configure what
I'm server connection channel is configured on this server
Define the channel (CLIENT. QM_ORANGE) chltype (SVRCONN) trptype (TCP) McAuser (' MQM),

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