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Made a simple C language books management system management system, realize to add and delete, as we


Beg anyone who can help me have a look at my own writing this code, don't know where the problem, the entry of the realization of the function of the book information, also can't read the file information, other functions can't test, also don't know what's the problem, too little knowledge, make for a long time haven't set, want to help bosses to help see, DDL soon, or use an array or use class to write a code to also go help! (don't be too hard or I can't read) thank you!!

using namespace std;
# define BOOK 100
//book information
Struct the Book
{int book_no.//book number
Char name [30].//title
Char author [20].//the author
Char press [20].//press
Char date [15].//date of publication: YYYY - MM - DD
Char kind [15].//book category
Double price.//book price
Int total;//number of books
The class book
The Book bo_array [Book];//books array
Int booknum;//the current record books
The book ();
~ the book ();
Void menu ();
Int get_booknum ();//get the current record books
Void input ();
Void the search ();//find
void update();
Void the show ();
Void delete_ ();
Void the load_file ();
Void save_file ();
Book: the book ()
The book: : ~ the book ()
Int the book: : get_booknum ()
Return booknum;
Void book: : menu ()
Int choice;
Cout<& lt;" Books management system management system "& lt; Cout<& lt;" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "& lt; Cout<& lt;" "\ t \ t1 entry books information & lt; Cout<& lt;" Reading books information \ \ t t2. "& lt; Cout<& lt;" \ \ t t3. Query book information "& lt; Cout<& lt;" \ \ t t4. Modify the book information "& lt; Cout<& lt;" \ t \ t5. Delete the book information "& lt; Cout<& lt;" "\ t \ t6 exit system & lt; Cout<& lt;" Please select (1-6) : ";
Cin> Choice;
If (choice>=0 & amp; & Choice<7)
The switch (choice)
Case 1:
The input ();
Case 2:
Show ();
Case 3:
Search ().
Case 4:
The update ();
Case 5:
Delete_ ();
Case 6:
Save_file ();
Cout<& lt;" Thank you for your use, the system has quit, bye!" system("pause");
The exit (0);
The else
Cout<& lt;" Input is wrong! Please input again!" }

Int main ()
The book book1.
While (1)
Book1. Menu ();

return 0;

Void book: : input ()
The Book boo;
Get_booknum ();
While (1)
Cout<& lt;" Please enter the below (add) book information: "& lt; Cout<& lt;" Please enter the book number, title, author, publishing house, publication date (0 exit) : "& lt; Cin> Boo. Book_no;
If (boo. Book_no==0)
Cin> Boo. Book_no & gt;> Boo. Name> Boo. Author> Boo. Press> Boo. Date;
Cout<& lt;" Please enter the book category, book price (unit: yuan), number of books: "& lt; Cout<& lt;" (category: science and technology, language and literature, political economy, history, geography, ideology, art) "& lt; Cin> Boo. Kind> Boo. Price> Boo. Total;
Bo_array [booknum]=boo;

Void book: the load_file ()
The Book boo;
Ifstream infile.
Get_booknum ();
Infile. Open (" bookfile. TXT ", the ios: : in);
if(! Infile)
Cout<& lt;" No data file bookfile. TXT!" ;
Sleep (3000);
while(! Infile. Eof ())
Infile> Boo. Book_no & gt;> Boo. Name> Boo. Author> Boo. Press> Boo. Date> Boo. Kind> Boo. Price> Boo. Total;
If (infile)
Bo_array [booknum]=boo;
The else
Infile. Close ();
Void book: : save_file ()
Ofstream outfile;
Get_booknum ();
Outfile. Open (" bookfile. TXT ", the ios: : out);
if(! Outfile)
Cout<& lt;" Unable to save data to a file bookfile. TXT in!" Sleep (3000);
for(int i=0; I{
Outfile. Close ();
Cout<& lt;" Already will "& lt; Sleep(1000);

Void book: the search ()
The Book boo;
Int bo_no;
Bool judge=0;
Cout<& lt;" Please input to query book number: "& lt; Cin> Bo_no;
Cout<& lt;" Results: "& lt; for(int i=0; I{
If (bo_array [I] book_no==bo_no)
Cout<& lt;" Book number title authors publishing date book category book price collection quantity & lt;" Cout<& lt;" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "& lt; CoutCout
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