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How to become a Java technology people


Software development technology update quickly, if you stay in a company for a long time, and your no reasonable allocation of learning time, will keep the company department of that part of the technology involved, fall behind, want to change a job, one day will find a lot of job requirement technology, are not yourself,
Doing Java development workers, under the current social environment, the basic need to master the SOA thoughts, distributed deployment, high concurrency related technologies (message queue, NIO, cache), the JVM (GC, memory model, class loading), multithreading and thread safety (Java. Util. Concurrent package), common query algorithm (binary tree, B + number, red and black tree), protocol (TCP, HTTP), database (relational Oracle, and Mysql, non-relational Redis), design patterns (agent, observer, singleton), Linux common operations (basic commands, script development, parameters configuration), commonly used framework (spring cloud, spring boot, Netty, zookepeer, kafka, mybatis), version management (SVN, git), the container cloud (docker), familiar with development tools (idea, PLSQL, visio, Xshell, Postman, editplus)
From "two combination" informatization and industrialization fusion is raised, the change is accelerated, the original mainframe, monomer system cannot adapt to the complex business gradually, high concurrent access and rapid development in the process of iteration, the SOA service-oriented thought is the inevitable outcome of the development, appeared the ESB enterprise service bus (ESB), micro service, ServiceMesh etc., in the aspect of architecture SOA brings low coupling between the change of system, high cohesion, business enables the enterprise to quickly respond to business changes, system more flexible, at the same time makes development of efficient,
Service-oriented architecture thought is raised, the original monomer system shall be carried out in accordance with the different dimensions can be split, development services provide interfaces for other service call, in the face of rising of the business, the pressure of the system increases, so need to be extended, and requires a high concurrency, high availability, easy to expand, the architecture of the distributed deployment is just to solve these problems, some distributed deployment framework has zookepeer, dubbo
Use distributed deployment, also need to support the use of some of the technologies to produce high concurrent technology, server in IO process, must use NIO non-blocking IO, or AIO, familiar with the IO can learn Netty framework, the use of the message queue can make decoupling between system, asynchronous, peak clipping, publish-subscribe, cache technology provides the system performance, put some commonly used data in cache, and improve the speed of
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