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# include & lt; Iostream>
# include & lt; Cstring>
# include & lt; Fstream>
using namespace std;

The class Date {
Int year;//in
Int the month;//
Int day;//day
Date () {year=2020; The month=1; Day=1; }//three are constructor
The Date (int y, int m, int d) : the year (y), month (m), day (d) {}
The Date (const Date& B) {year=b.y ear; The month=b.m onth. Day=b.d ay; }
To Date () {}
Class Base0//base class
Base0 () {}
Base0 (char num [8], char nam [10], int y, int m, int d, float sco) : birth (y, m, d)
{strcpy (no, num);
Strcpy (name, nam);
Score=sco;//the constructor
Void show_base0 () {//output Base0 data members
Char no [8].//number
Char name [10].//name
The Date birth;//birthday
Float score;//achievement

Class Derived: public Base0//Derived classes Derived public inheritance Base0
Derived () {}
Derived (char num [], char nam [], int y, int m, int d, float sco, char ph [15], char address [10]) : Base0 (num, nam, y, m, d, sco)
Strcpy (phone, ph);
Strcpy (addr, address);
Char * getNo () {return no; }//get number
Void setScore float (sco) {score=sco; }//set grades
Void show_d ()//output data members
Show_base0 ();
Boolean operator==(char num [8]) {//operator overloading, comparing Numbers are equal
If (STRCMP (no, num)==0)
return true;
The else
return false;
Friend void inputDerData (Derived d [10], int & amp; Len);//a friend function, read data from a data file
Friend void outputDerData (const Derived d [10], int len);//a friend function, write data to the data file
Char phone [9].//phone
Char addr [10].//address

//from a text file der. Dat read data to the memory array d
Void inputDerData (Derived d [10], int & amp; Len)
Ifstream infile (" der. Dat ", the ios: : in);//1. Open the
//define input file stream object, to open the disk file input way f1. Dat
if(! Infile)//2. The judge
{cerr<" The open error!" exit(1);
int i=0;
while(! Infile. Eof ())//3. Read
{infile> D [I] no> D [I]. Name
> D [I] birth. Year> D [I] birth. Month> [I] d. Birth. Day
> D [I] score> D [I] phone> D [I]. Addr.//reading from a disk file, the order in d array
Infile. Close ();//4. Close the

Void outputDerData (const Derived d [10], int len)
{//write memory array d data into a text file. Der dat
If (len==0)
Ofstream outfile (" der. Dat ", the ios: : out);
//define input file stream object, to open the disk file input way f1. Dat
if(! Outfile)
{cerr<" The open error!" exit(1);
int i;
For (I=0; I{outfile}
I=len - 1;
OutfileOutfile. Close ();

Bool searchNo (Derived d [10], int len, char number [8])
{//at length for len d find the Numbers for the number of elements in the array, find returns true. Otherwise returns false
int i;
for(i=0; I[I] {the if (d==number)
{return true; }
return false;
Void traverse by (Derived d [10], int len) {
//traverse length for len d array
int i;
If (len==0)
{cout<" Pro! Still no data "& lt; Cout<" Number, name, date, grade, phone number, address & lt;" for(i=0; ID [I] show_d ();
Int searchIdx (Derived d [10], int len, char number [8])
{//at length for len d find the Numbers for the number of elements in the array, find the return order. Otherwise returns 0
int i;
for(i=0; I[I] {the if (d==number)
{return I + 1; }
return 0;

Void insertObj (Derived d [10], int & amp; Len, Derived d1) {
//in the length of d1 len d array into the object, to find the first number, find not insert. Otherwise insert
Bool res=searchNo (d, len, d1 getNo ());
If (res)
{coutThe else
{d [len++]=d1; Cout}

Void modifyObj (Derived d [10], int len, char num [8], float newsco) {
//found in length for len d array object d0, modify its performance for newsco
Int index=searchIdx (d, len, num);
If (index)
{cout<" Modify the result for "& lt; D [index - 1]. SetScore (newsco); }
The else
Void deleteObj (Derived d [10], int & amp; Len, char num [8]) {
//found in length for len d array object d0, modify its performance for newsco
Int index=searchIdx (d, len, num);
If (index)//find the delete
For (int I=index - 1; I[I] {d=d (I + 1), }
Len -;
The else
//read binary data file
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