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Top science and technology competition, the bund assembly algorithm competition!


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In order to protect the wild animal survival and reproduction, you will join the rangers team, shoulder protection digital platform, and optimize the reserve
And stores the ecological conservation of wild animals on the large data electronic files has become a target for poaching gangs,
As A - tech, A member of the elite group of science and technology engineers, you need to use group synergy, network security and AI with poachers both offensive and defensive battle, regain server unlock stolen files!

The question is:
Poachers are cunning, likely to leave a trap, misleading and blocking your path,
You back from poachers in archives, may also be taken again,
And field conditions, environment is complex, you get the clues, may be incomplete,
But you want to use the only clue, the true, to point and plane, to build a set of risk defense system to protect wildlife,
Offensive and defensive system, authentication code and defense, AI and against learning skills will help you win in the complex environment,
In addition to fighting the poachers, the real world of animal protection, to tackle climate change, species ecological imbalances and other issues, we practice the skills of the game, will also offer help to those problems,

As a geek circles ironman triathlon, our topic covers the system security, AI algorithms, data security, we hope you are good at computer vision, machine learning, against the study direction of AI defensive engineer, engineer or good at penetration testing system

Good at direction of computer vision, machine learning, against the study direction of AI engineer

The following will enhance your record to be included in the success rate of
1) focus on visual object recognition research in image classification, image noise reduction, target recognition, dirty data learning tasks such as establishment, fight against experience in computer vision, or machine learning field against learning experience,
2) in imageNet, Kaggle, tianchi series such as excellent results in the domestic and foreign large-scale visual identity class challenge


Good at penetration testing system and defense engineer

Good at web vulnerability digging, use common database, lateral seepage, the right to use, the domain seepage, decompiled, encryption,
The following will enhance your record to be included in the success rate of
1) domestic companies or lab, the researchers of attack and defense of offensive and defensive combat experience or the red team HW experience, good at hole excavation and research, integrated internal and external network attack and defense penetration ability
2) SRC ranking of the top domestic well-known white hat, hole digging and research ability
3) the CTF, have practical ability and good grades

Well, the boss see me, I can only say to here, I hope you don't blame me, like don't say,,,

Are you ready? Punch hold hands, together to join us!

Let more people pay attention to science and technology, in scientific research, promote our assignment of "science and technology can cause" dream,

Registration website (copied to the browser view) :

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