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For this. O file error many undefined reference



PROTOBUFC_DIR=../../../common/protobuf - c # path where protobuf - c repo was cloned
Header_DIR=../vc - using - framestream/
INCLUDES=$(PROTOCOLS_DIR) -- -i I $(PROTOBUFC_DIR) - I $(header_DIR) - I $(common_DIR)
SOURCES=../vc - using - framestream/main CPP../vc - using - framestream/Frame. The CPP../vc - using - framestream/args. CPP../vc - using - framestream/ArisBeacons. CPP../vc - using - framestream/Connection. The CPP../vc - using - framestream/ArisRecording. CPP

All: separate protocols connect

The rm connect *. Proto../*. Pb - c. *

Separate protocols:
Cp../../../common/protobuf/*. Proto.
Protoc - cpp_out=../vc - using - framestream/. *. Proto

Connect: $(SOURCES)
G + + - STD=c + + 17 - o connect $$(INCLUDES) (SOURCES) - L/usr/lib - lboost_system - lprotobuf - lboost_thread

makefile run:
Cp../../../common/protobuf/*. Proto.
Protoc - cpp_out=../vc - using - framestream/. *. Proto
G + + - STD=c + + 17 - o connect../vc - using - framestream/main CPP../vc - using - framestream/Frame. The CPP../vc - using - framestream/args. CPP../vc - using - framestream/ArisBeacons. CPP../vc - using - framestream/Connection. The CPP../vc - using - framestream/ArisRecording. CPP -i../../../common/protobuf - I../../../common/protobuf - c - I../vc - using - framestream/- i../../../common/code/- L/usr/lib - lboost_system - lprotobuf - lboost_thread
/TMP/ccYcMGWT. O: in function 'Aris: : Network: : FrameStreamListener: : GetMetrics () :'
Main. CPP: (. Text. _ZN4Aris7Network19FrameStreamListener10GetMetricsEv [_ZN4Aris7Network19FrameStreamListener10GetMetricsEv] + 0 x26) : the "Aris: : Network: : SlidingWindowFrameAssembler: : GetMetrics () 'undefined reference
/TMP/ccvt9x8T. O: in function 'Frame: Frame (STD: : vector & & , STD: : vector & & amp;) 'in:
Frame. The CPP: (. Text + 0 x8e) : "Aris: : the Reorder (ArisFrameHeader& , unsigned char *) undefined reference to '
/TMP/ccl6aTc0. O: in function '_ZZN11ArisBeacons18FindBySerialNumberEjENKUlT_T0_T1_T2_E_clIN5boost6system10error_codeENS6_4asio2ip14basic_endpointINSA_3udpEEEPKhmEEDaS0_S1_S2_S3_ :
ArisBeacons. CPP: (. Text + 0 xe2) : "aris: : the Availability: : ~ the Availability () 'undefined reference
ArisBeacons. CPP: (. Text + 0 xf3) : "aris: : the Availability: : ~ the Availability () 'undefined reference
/TMP/ccl6aTc0. O: in function 'ArisBeacons: : FindBySerialNumber (unsigned int)' :
ArisBeacons. CPP: (. Text + 0 x1a9) : the 'UdpListener: : UdpListener (boost: : an asio: : io_service & amp; , unsigned short, bool, unsigned long, STD: : function The unsigned char const *, unsigned long) & gt;) Undefined reference to '
ArisBeacons. CPP: (. Text + 0 x207) : "UdpListener: : ~ UdpListener () 'undefined reference
ArisBeacons. CPP: (. Text + 0 x238) : "UdpListener: : ~ UdpListener () 'undefined reference
/TMP/ccl6aTc0. O: in function 'aris: : the Availability: : the Availability () :'
ArisBeacons. CPP: (. Text. _ZN4aris12AvailabilityC2Ev [_ZN4aris12AvailabilityC5Ev] + 0 x19) : "aris: : the Availability: : the Availability (Google: : protobuf: : Arena *) 'undefined reference
/TMP/ccKiwXhb. O: in function 'Connection: the Connection (boost: : an asio: : io_service & amp; , boost: : an asio: : basic_stream_socket & lt; IP boost: : an asio: : : : TCP, boost: : an asio: : stream_socket_service & lt; IP boost: : an asio: : : : tcp> & & , STD: : function , Aris: : Common: : SystemType, Aris: : Command_SetSalinity_Salinity, boost: : an asio: : IP: : address, Aris: : Network: : optional Const& , float) : '
Connection. The CPP: (. Text + 0 x3ea) : the "Aris: : Network: : FrameStreamListener: : FrameStreamListener (boost: : an asio: : io_service & amp; , STD: : function , STD: : function) Undefined reference to '
Connection. The CPP: (. Text + 0 x443) : the "Aris: : Network: : CommandBuilder: : SetTime () 'undefined reference
Connection. The CPP: (. Text + 0 x46b) : "aris: : Command: : ~ Command () 'undefined reference
Connection. The CPP: (. Text + 0 x502) : the "Aris: : Network: : CommandBuilder: : SetFrameStreamReceiver (char const *, unsigned int) 'undefined reference
Connection. The CPP: (. Text + 0 x547) : the "Aris: : Network: : CommandBuilder: : SetFrameStreamReceiver (unsigned int) 'undefined reference
Connection. The CPP: (. Text + 0 x56f) : "aris: : Command: : ~ Command () 'undefined reference
Connection. The CPP: (. Text + 0 x5db) : the "Aris: : Network: : CommandBuilder: : RequestAcousticSettings (Aris: : Common: : AcousticSettings const&) Undefined reference to '
Connection. The CPP: (. Text + 0 x603) : "aris: : Command: : ~ Command () 'undefined reference
Connection. The CPP: (. Text + 0 x61a) : the "Aris: : Network: : CommandBuilder: : SetSalinity (Aris: : Command_SetSalinity_Salinity) 'undefined reference
Connection. The CPP: (. Text + 0 x642) : "aris: : Command: : ~ Command () 'undefined reference
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