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Excuse me under Linux configuration rocketmq are there any requirements on memory size, I buy 1 g memory server has to run the MySQL tomcat, free m see only 200 m memory me the runserver then executes sh file and runbroker sh all set within 200 m, the size of the boot server and broker to check the log said start is successful, but I run the test class is an error, seemed to me the memory problems
Bin] [root @ HWSRV - 492511 # sh view sh org. Apache. Rocketmq. Example. The quickstart. Producer
The Java HotSpot (TM) 64 - Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=128 m; The support was removed in 8.0
The Java HotSpot (TM) 64 - Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128 m; The support was removed in 8.0
The Java HotSpot (TM) 64 - Bit Server VM warning: INFO: OS: : commit_memory (0 x00000000d0000000, 805306368, 0) failed. Error='always the allocate memory' (errno=12)
# There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.
# Native memory allocation (mmap) failed to map 805306368 bytes for committing reserved memory.
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
#/home/Java/rocketmq/distribution/target/apache - rocketmq/bin/hs_err_pid16421 log
is my remaining memory is too small, please

CodePudding user response:

There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.

Means that the rest of the memory for the JRE

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor LCL_data response:
There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.

Means that the rest of the memory to the JRE used
this memory reserve how much is it gonna be? Probably, eating so much memory

CodePudding user response:

1 gb of memory is too little, the server at least 16 g, most of the 32 gb

CodePudding user response:

reference LCL_data reply: 3/f
1 gb of memory is too little, the server at least 16 g, most is 32 g

I just buy a server to do the test to learn mq behind me to modify the view in sh after size is normal, but I copy of the official synchronous producers in the process of testing the demo, normal production, consumption, but with asynchronous demo complains why not:
 org. Apache. Rocketmq. Client. Exception. MQClientException: No route info of this topic, TopicTest 
See http://rocketmq.apache.org/docs/faq/for further details.
The at org. Apache. Rocketmq. Client. Impl. Producer. DefaultMQProducerImpl. SendDefaultImpl (DefaultMQProducerImpl. Java: 610)
At org. Apache. Rocketmq. Client. Impl. Producer. DefaultMQProducerImpl. Access the $300 (86) DefaultMQProducerImpl. Java:
At org. Apache. Rocketmq. Client. Impl. Producer. DefaultMQProducerImpl $2. The run (443) DefaultMQProducerImpl. Java:
The at Java. Util. Concurrent. Executors $RunnableAdapter. Call (511) Executors. Java:
The at Java. Util. Concurrent. FutureTask. Run (FutureTask. Java: 266)
The at Java. Util. Concurrent. ThreadPoolExecutor. RunWorker (ThreadPoolExecutor. Java: 1149)
The at Java. Util. Concurrent. ThreadPoolExecutor $Worker. The run (ThreadPoolExecutor. Java: 624)
The at Java. Lang. Thread. The run (Thread. Java: 748)
8 The Exception org. Apache. Rocketmq. Client. Exception. MQClientException: The producer service state not OK, SHUTDOWN_ALREADY
See http://rocketmq.apache.org/docs/faq/for further details.
Org. Apache. Rocketmq. Client. Exception. MQClientException: The producer service state not OK, SHUTDOWN_ALREADY

Because synchronous producers default TopicTest is the name of the topic in the Message, I start a topic name has the same error MQClientException: No route info of this topic, opicTest, a little don't understand

CodePudding user response:

Lz you later to set how much memory, I also am 1 gb of memory, encounter the same problem with you

CodePudding user response:

Before you start modify rocketmq can occupy memory size

CodePudding user response:

It is better to your computer the virtual machine

CodePudding user response:

You are not only changed the runserver then executes. Sh start memory value, but also change runborker. Sh, specific modification can reference
Step 1: modify the runserver then executes. Sh the JVM parameters:

The original parameter value:

JAVA_OPT="${JAVA_OPT} - server - Xms4g - Xmx4g - Xmn2g - XX: XX: MetaspaceSize=128 m - MaxMetaspaceSize=320 m"
The modified parameter value:

JAVA_OPT="${JAVA_OPT} - server - Xms128m - Xmx128m - Xmn128m - XX: XX: MetaspaceSize=128 m - MaxMetaspaceSize=128 m"
Note: according to the server configuration to set

Step 2: the JVM parameters of the modified runborker. Sh

The original parameter value:

JAVA_OPT="${JAVA_OPT} - server - Xms8g - Xmx8g - Xmn4g"
The modified parameter value:

JAVA_OPT="${JAVA_OPT} - server - Xms128m - Xmx128m - Xmn128m"
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