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Mybatis druid oracle occasional ORA - 01013: the user requests to cancel the current operation, met


Specific error is as follows:
# # # Error querying the database. Cause: Java, SQL. SQLException: ORA - 01013: the user requests to cancel the current operation

# # # The error may exist in The file [E: \ \ XXXX XXXXXX \ target \ classes \ mapper \ CityMapper XML]
# # # The error may involve defaultParameterMap
# # # The error occurred while setting The parameters
# # # SQL: select geomstr from city
# # # Cause: Java. SQL. SQLException: ORA - 01013: the user requests to cancel the current operation

; Uncategorized SQLException; SQL state [72000]; The error code [1013]. ORA - 01013: the user requests to cancel the current operation
; Nested exception is Java. SQL. SQLException: ORA - 01013: the user requests to cancel the current operation
] with root cause

Java. SQL. SQLException: ORA - 01013: the user requests to cancel the current operation

At oracle, the JDBC driver. DatabaseError. ThrowSqlException (DatabaseError. Java: 112) ~ [ojdbc14- Jar: the oracle JDBC driver version - ""]
At oracle, the JDBC driver. T4CTTIoer. ProcessError (T4CTTIoer. Java: 331) ~ [ojdbc14- Jar: the oracle JDBC driver version - ""]
At oracle, the JDBC driver. T4CTTIoer. ProcessError (T4CTTIoer. Java: 288) ~ [ojdbc14- Jar: the oracle JDBC driver version - ""]
At oracle, the JDBC driver. T4C8Oall. The receive (T4C8Oall. Java: 745) ~ [ojdbc14- Jar: the oracle JDBC driver version - ""]
At oracle, the JDBC driver. T4CPreparedStatement. DoOall8 (T4CPreparedStatement. Java: 219) ~ [ojdbc14- Jar: the oracle JDBC driver version - ""]
At oracle, the JDBC driver. T4CPreparedStatement. ExecuteForDescribe (T4CPreparedStatement. Java: 813) ~ [ojdbc14- Jar: the oracle JDBC driver version - ""]
At oracle, the JDBC driver. OracleStatement. ExecuteMaybeDescribe (OracleStatement. Java: 1049) ~ [ojdbc14- Jar: the oracle JDBC driver version - ""]
At oracle, the JDBC driver. T4CPreparedStatement. ExecuteMaybeDescribe (T4CPreparedStatement. Java: 854) ~ [ojdbc14- Jar: the oracle JDBC driver version - ""]
At oracle, the JDBC driver. OracleStatement. DoExecuteWithTimeout (OracleStatement. Java: 1146) ~ [ojdbc14- Jar: the oracle JDBC driver version - ""]
At oracle, the JDBC driver. OraclePreparedStatement. ExecuteInternal (OraclePreparedStatement. Java: 3370) ~ [ojdbc14- Jar: the oracle JDBC driver version - ""]
At oracle, the JDBC driver. OraclePreparedStatement. Execute (OraclePreparedStatement. Java: 3476) ~ [ojdbc14- Jar: the oracle JDBC driver version - ""]
At com. Alibaba. Druid. Filter. FilterChainImpl. PreparedStatement_execute (FilterChainImpl. Java: 3409) ~ [druid - 1.1.14. Jar: 1.1.14]
At com. Alibaba. Druid. Wall. WallFilter. PreparedStatement_execute (WallFilter. Java: 627) ~ [druid - 1.1.14. Jar: 1.1.14]
At com. Alibaba. Druid. Filter. FilterChainImpl. PreparedStatement_execute (FilterChainImpl. Java: 3407) ~ [druid - 1.1.14. Jar: 1.1.14]
At com. Alibaba. Druid. Proxy. JDBC. PreparedStatementProxyImpl. Execute (PreparedStatementProxyImpl. Java: 167) ~ [druid - 1.1.14. Jar: 1.1.14]
At com. Alibaba. Druid. Pool. DruidPooledPreparedStatement. Execute (DruidPooledPreparedStatement. Java: 497) ~ [druid - 1.1.14. Jar: 1.1.14]
The at org. Apache. Ibatis. Executor. Statement. PreparedStatementHandler. Query (PreparedStatementHandler. Java: 64) ~ [mybatis - 3.5.1 track of. The jar: 3.5.1 track of]
The at org. Apache. Ibatis. Executor. Statement. RoutingStatementHandler. Query (RoutingStatementHandler. Java: 79) ~ [mybatis - 3.5.1 track of. The jar: 3.5.1 track of]
The at org. Apache. Ibatis. Executor. SimpleExecutor. DoQuery (SimpleExecutor. Java: 63) ~ [mybatis - 3.5.1 track of. The jar: 3.5.1 track of]
The at org. Apache. Ibatis. Executor. BaseExecutor. QueryFromDatabase (BaseExecutor. Java: 324) ~ [mybatis - 3.5.1 track of. The jar: 3.5.1 track of]
The at org. Apache. Ibatis. Executor. BaseExecutor. Query (BaseExecutor. Java: 156) ~ [mybatis - 3.5.1 track of. The jar: 3.5.1 track of]
The at org. Apache. Ibatis. Executor. CachingExecutor. Query (CachingExecutor. Java: 109) ~ [mybatis - 3.5.1 track of. The jar: 3.5.1 track of]
The at org. Apache. Ibatis. Executor. CachingExecutor. Query (CachingExecutor. Java: 83) ~ [mybatis - 3.5.1 track of. The jar: 3.5.1 track of]
The at org. Apache. Ibatis. Session. Defaults. DefaultSqlSession. SelectList (DefaultSqlSession. Java: 147) ~ [mybatis - 3.5.1 track of. The jar: 3.5.1 track of]
The at org. Apache. Ibatis. Session. Defaults. DefaultSqlSession. SelectList (DefaultSqlSession. Java: 140) ~ [mybatis - 3.5.1 track of. The jar: 3.5.1 track of]
The at org. Apache. Ibatis. Session. Defaults. DefaultSqlSession. SelectOne (DefaultSqlSession. Java: 76) ~ [mybatis - 3.5.1 track of. The jar: 3.5.1 track of]
At sun. Reflect. GeneratedMethodAccessor71. Invoke (Unknown Source) ~ [na: na]
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java: ~ [na: 1.8.0 comes with _60]
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (497) Method. The Java: ~ [na: 1.8.0 comes with _60]
The at org. Mybatis. Spring. SqlSessionTemplate $SqlSessionInterceptor. Invoke (SqlSessionTemplate. Java: 433) ~ [mybatis - spring - 2.0.1. Jar: 2.0.1]
At com. Sun. Proxy. $Proxy58. SelectOne (Unknown Source) ~ [na: na]
The at org. Mybatis. Spring. SqlSessionTemplate. SelectOne (SqlSessionTemplate. Java: 166) ~ [mybatis - spring - 2.0.1. Jar: 2.0.1]
The at org. Apache. Ibatis. Binding. MapperMethod. Execute (MapperMethod. Java: 87) ~ [mybatis - 3.5.1 track of. The jar: 3.5.1 track of]
The at org. Apache. Ibatis. Binding. MapperProxy. Invoke (MapperProxy. Java: 58) ~ [mybatis - 3.5.1 track of. The jar: 3.5.1 track of]
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