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About the winning kirin avatar database QT5.9.8 environment configuration


This paper mainly tells about the winning kirin Linux system + QT5.9.8 + avatar database environment structures, as well as the problems in the use of
First of all need to be ready to install package, can the new must download the new version, in order to facilitate my installation package download address, and write, I use the version of the full

Qt - opensource - Linux - x64-5.9.8. Run
Link address: http://download.qt.io/archive/qt/

Freetype - 2.10.0. Tar
Link address: https://www.freetype.org/

ShenTong7.0.8 _Linux64jre1. 5
Avatar database website to download the Linux version can

UnixODBC - 2.3.8 pre. Tar
Link address: ftp://ftp.unixodbc.org/pub/unixODBC/

Avatar database installation according to the compression bag own avatar database - the database quickstart. PDF in silent installation operation step by step to
Basic avatar database installation process there is no problem,

After the completion of the avatar, continue to install qt - opensource - Linux - x64-5.9.8. Run
Direct execution./qt - opensource - Linux - x64-5.9.8. Run for decompression operation
Subsequent terminal command execution./qtcreator start QT found an error, search need to download a decompression freetype - 2.10.0. Tar
Then download and on the qt directory decompression operation
In the extract order here:
The tar - xf freetype - 2.10.0. Tar
./configure -- prefix=/usr/local/qt5.9.8/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/
CD./objs. Libs
Sudo cp libfreetype. So/usr/local/qt5.9.8/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/lib
Sudo cp libfreetype. So. 6/usr/local/qt5.9.8/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/lib
Sudo cp libfreetype. So. 6.17.0/usr/local/qt5.9.8/Tools/QtCreator/lib/Qt/lib

After finishing the operation execute commands perfect solution;

To continue after the completion of the new directory unixODBC the compressed package in the directory and decompression operation
Compiler, the installed in/usr/local/unixODBC directory
$./configure -- prefix/usr/local/unixODBC
$sudo make install
Suggesting the ini file because the directory does not exist and cannot be created, to perform again
$sudo make install

The last step is also the pain I encounter problems most amygdala step:

According to the manual needed to prompt find odbc directory path, then find qmake is compiled directly don't get, all kinds of error,
Search on the net of the odbc. Pro file by qt opened, will qsqldriverbase. Pri modified
The source code hidden:
Include ($$Shadowed ($$PWD)/qtsqldrivers - config. Pri)
Add: include (./configure. Pri)

Perform qmake is still an error, then find reasons for kirin system version comes with GCC compiler version is too low lead to (this step can be ignored)

Then has been lasted for 3 days to solve this problem, and during various asked the great spirit all the way to find information, and finally with the eldest brother help
Find an article on weibo, to tell the truth really not find this article -, -, may the great god are hidden low-key,
This article perfectly solves the problem the last

Hereby thank the original author, and in his article address:

This article mainly solves the production odbc library file -- libqsqlodbc. So
According to the file according to the steps to perfect solve the problem,

The last word is based on database development manual to configure the avatar database, mainly is the copy file operations, test after the completion of the basic is completed,

Attach additional articles:
Mainly for the terminal command/etc/init. D/oscardb_ start to start the database, the database name d always prompt connection
(before executing commands, must ensure that your database configuration is complete, and according to the development of manual - avatar all the default database configuration steps in accordance with the complete)
Execute the command start the database error:
Normal Starting Oscar - o - d OSRDB:
/opt/ShenTong/bin/Oscar - o normal - d OSRDB running at 7666: SYSMULTIUSER: 170
The Database OSRDB startup failed

This can be completely ignored, just like a BUG itself,,,

The first CD/etc/init. D
Ll command to see oscardb_OSRDBd exists, if confirmed exists to perform:
Oscar - o normal - d osrdb (print an error message)
Ps - ef | grep Oscar
If found after ll command Oscar - o normal - d OSRDB existence shows your service has been open,

If the default configuration avatar databases:
Isql can run directly, see the database operation command is SQL statements, there was no difference in the basic,

If it is not the default configuration is executed:
Isql - h IP address - U user name/password - d instance name - p port

The dba - open management tool
Sqlanalyzer - open SQL interactive tool

Finally on qt link database under the
Pro file to add

According to the manual to link code reference database, executing SQL statements can, but some version of qt manual is too low, lead to code does not support problems
Need to make further modifications in the code
Is mainly QTextCodec class character set operations, qt5 already does not support, so can be rewritten for c + + code
The rest according to the reference code,
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