Home > Back-end >  Warning: [deprecation] JPasswordField the getText () has been out of date
Warning: [deprecation] JPasswordField the getText () has been out of date


Long before the code did not changed bosses can help me to change, in 76 lines of the getText () has been out of date, how to change the method?
The import javax.mail. Swing. *;
The import javax.mail. Swing. Border. *;
Import the Java. The awt. *;
Import the Java. The awt. Event. An ActionEvent;
Import the Java. The awt. Event. ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
Import the Java. The awt. Event. WindowListener;
Import the Java. SQL. Connection;
Import the Java. SQL. DriverManager;
Import of Java, SQL PreparedStatement;
Import the Java. SQL. The ResultSet;
Import the Java. SQL. SQLException;

Public class Login extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
Public static void main (String [] args) {
The Login lo=new Login (" Login ");//main method, has the program will run

//graphic interface initialization statement, this window will be layout
JLabel label1=new JLabel (" user name: ");
JLabel label2=new JLabel (" password: ");

The static JTextField text1=new JTextField (10);;
JPasswordField text2=new JPasswordField (10);;
JButton for=new JButton (" login ");
JButton button2=new JButton (" cancel ");
JButton button3=new JButton (" registration ");
Public Login (String s) {

init();//window layout initialization method, it is below the init method
SetLayout (null);
SetTitle (" login ");//set the title
SetBounds (400,50,600,500);//Settings window location and size
SetVisible (true);

//window layout initialization method
Void init () {
//set the text color, etc.
Label1. SetForeground (Color black);
Label2. SetForeground (Color black);
Label1. SetFont (new Font (" tahoma ", the Font, BOLD, 20));
Label2. SetFont (new Font (" tahoma ", the Font BOLD, 20));

//will be added to the layout window
Add (label1);
Add (label2);
Add (text1);
Add (text2);
Add (for);
Add (button2);
Add (button3);
//set the label size and location
Label1. SetBounds (110,70,100,40);
Text1. SetBounds (230,70,250,40);
Label2. SetBounds (110130100, 40);
Text2. SetBounds (230130250, 40);
For the setBounds (110320100, 40);
Button2. SetBounds (250320100, 40);
Button3. SetBounds (390320100, 40);
//add the action for the button listener
For the addActionListener ((ActionListener) this);
Button2. AddActionListener (ActionListener) this);
Button3. AddActionListener (ActionListener) this);
@ Override
Public void actionPerformed (an ActionEvent e) {
If (um participant etSource ()==for) {
//get the input values
String us=text1. GetText ();
String pa=text2. GetText ();

Try {
Class.forname ("... Org. Apache Derby JDBC EmbeddedDriver ");//links database driven
//links database
The Connection conn=(Connection) DriverManager. GetConnection (" JDBC: Derby: Student; The create=true ");
System. The out. Println (conn);
//query authentication database and log on to
String SQL="Select * from user_u where Uname=? And Upass=? ";
PreparedStatement ps=conn. PrepareStatement (SQL);
Ps. SetString (1, us);
Ps. SetString (2, pa);

ResultSet rs=ps.executeQuery();
{if (rs. Next ())
JOptionPane. ShowMessageDialog (this, "landing successful, welcome to the home page,"
Enclosing the dispose ();
New YWindow ();
} else {
JOptionPane. ShowMessageDialog (this, "user name or password error",
Enclosing the dispose ();
The Login lo=new Login (" Login ");
Ps. The close ();
{} to catch (a ClassNotFoundException e1)
{} the catch (SQLException e1)

} else if (um participant etSource ()==button2) {
//determine whether click cancel button
JOptionPane. ShowMessageDialog (this, "exit the application", "exit",
System.exit(0);//end program
} else {
//click register, jump to the sign-up page
Enclosing the dispose ();
New ZhuCe (" registration ");


CodePudding user response:

New String (text2. GetPassword ());

CodePudding user response:

refer to the original poster a1061779763 response:
long before the code did not changed bosses can help me to change, in 76 lines of the getText () has been out of date, how to change the method?

String pa=text2. GetPassword (). The toString (). The trim ();

CodePudding user response:

Specific how ah, I put the two lines of code in a compiler error
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