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HotSpot disassembling plug-in HSDIS download to use


The HotSpot disassembling HSDIS downloading use

Today learning "deep understanding of the Java virtual machine" chapter 4, introduced the use of HSDIS, generate assembly code, their practice,

1 . First of all, from the Project Kenai website (http://kenai.com/projects/base-hsdis) to download plugin HSDIS disassembly, after open the web site shows:

Good unfortunately site has been closed, so I first to CSDN website search, resources are found in, but download need at least 17 c , alas! Now the domestic platform charging mechanism... So on to making and download again ~ free (has been uploaded to my resources - free of charge), finished download decompression put DLL in JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/client and the JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/server directory.

2 . According to the book write Bar, Java, HTML code is as follows:
Package com. Test. MonitorTool;

Public class Bar {
int a=1;
Static int b=2;
Public int the sum (int) c {
The return of a + b + c;
Public static void main (String [] args) {
The new Bar (). The sum (3);

3 will Bar. Java on D: \ com \ test \ MonitorTool directory;
Then use javac commands to compile the generated Bar. The class;
Then you can perform the Java command:
D: \ & gt; Java - XX: + UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions - XX: + PrintAssembly Xcomp - XX: CompileCom
Mand=dontinline, * Bar in sum - XX: CompileCommand=compileonly, * Bar in sum com. Test. Monito
RTool. Bar
Note if there: Unrecognized VM option '+ PrintAssembly must add - XX: + UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions as above;
Finally the disassembly code generation:
 [Disassembling the for the Mach='i386: x86-64] 
(Entry Point)
# {method} 'sum' (I) I 'in' com/test/MonitorTool/Bar '
# this: RDX: RDX='com/test/MonitorTool/Bar'
R8=# parm0: int
# [sp + 0 x20] (sp of caller)
% 0 x00000000020e1120: mov 0 by 8 (RDX), % r10d
0 x00000000020e1124: SHL $0 x3, % r10
0 x00000000020e1128: rax r10, CMP % %
0 x00000000020e112b: developed 0 x00000000020b7720; {runtime_call}
% % 0 x00000000020e1131: data32 XCHG ax, ax
0 x00000000020e1134: nopl 0 x0 (rax rax, % %, 1)
% % 0 x00000000020e113c: data32 data32 XCHG ax, ax
[Verified Entry Point]
% 0 x00000000020e1140: push RBP
0 x00000000020e1141: sub $0 x10, % RSP
0 x00000000020e1145: nop; * synchronization entry
; - com. Test. MonitorTool. Bar: : su
M @ 1 (line 8)
0 x00000000020e1146: movabs $0 x77d6ee0f0, % r10. {the oop (' com/test/MonitorTool/B
Ar ')}
0 x00000000020e1150: mov 0 x260 r10 (%), % r10d
% 0 x00000000020e1157: add 0 xc (RDX), % r10d
0 x00000000020e115b: r8d, mov % % eax
0 x00000000020e115e: add % r10d, % eax; * iadd
; - com. Test. MonitorTool. Bar: : su
M @ 9 (line 8)
0 x00000000020e1161: add $0 x10, % RSP
0 x00000000020e1165: pop % RBP
0 x00000000020e1166: test % eax, 0 x1d5116c (rip) % # 0 x0000000000390000
; {poll_return}
0 x00000000020e116c: retq
0 x00000000020e116d: HLT
0 x00000000020e116e: HLT
0 x00000000020e116f: HLT
0 x00000000020e1170: HLT
0 x00000000020e1171: HLT
0 x00000000020e1172: HLT
0 x00000000020e1173: HLT
0 x00000000020e1174: HLT
0 x00000000020e1175: HLT
0 x00000000020e1176: HLT
0 x00000000020e1177: HLT
0 x00000000020e1178: HLT
0 x00000000020e1179: HLT
0 x00000000020e117a: HLT
0 x00000000020e117b: HLT
0 x00000000020e117c: HLT
0 x00000000020e117d: HLT
0 x00000000020e117e: HLT
0 x00000000020e117f: HLT
[the Exception Handler]
[Stub Code]
0 x00000000020e1180: JMPQ 0 x00000000020de1a0; {no_reloc}
[Deopt Handler Code]
0 x00000000020e1185: callq 0 x00000000020e118a
% 0 x00000000020e118a: subq $0 x 5, (RSP)
0 x00000000020e118f: JMPQ 0 x00000000020b88c0; {runtime_call}
0 x00000000020e1194: add % al, (% rax)
0 x00000000020e1196: add % al, (% rax)

Explained the content reference materials ~

Thanks ~ ~
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