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A C # code into C code. Thank you very much


Public static string AesDecrypt (string input, string password, string salt)
String STR.
Byte [] buffer=the Convert. FromBase64String (input).
Byte [] buffer2.=Encoding UTF8. GetBytes (salt);
Using (AesManaged managed=new AesManaged ())
Rfc2898DeriveBytes bytes=new Rfc2898DeriveBytes (password, buffer2);
Managed. BlockSize=managed. LegalBlockSizes [0]. MaxSize;
Managed. The KeySize=managed. LegalKeySizes [0]. MaxSize;
Managed. The Key=bytes. GetBytes (managed. KeySize/8);
Managed. IV=bytes. GetBytes (managed. BlockSize/8);
Using (ICryptoTransform transform=managed. CreateDecryptor ())
MemoryStream stream=new MemoryStream ();
Using (CryptoStream stream2=new CryptoStream (stream, the transform, CryptoStreamMode. Write))
Stream2. Write (buffer, 0, buffer Length);
Byte [] buffer3=stream. ToArray ();
STR=Encoding. UTF8. Get string (buffer3, 0, buffer3. Length);
return str;

CodePudding user response:

The code above is a c # function, I want to use this code in c + + to encrypt, but copied directly to the c + + is certainly not, o master change
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