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Struts2.32 upgrade to struts2.5.13 encounter problems, please advise


Java. Lang. Reflect. InvocationTargetException - Class: com. Opensymphony. Xwork2. Inject. ContainerImpl $ConstructorInjector
File: ContainerImpl. Java
Method: the construct
Line: 427 - com/opensymphony/xwork2/inject/ContainerImpl Java: 427:1
At org, apache struts 2. Dispatcher. Dispatcher. Init (504) the dispatcher. Java:
The at org, apache struts 2. Dispatcher. InitOperations. InitDispatcher (InitOperations. Java: 75)
At org, apache struts 2. Dispatcher. Filter. StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter. Init (StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter. Java: 63)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Core. ApplicationFilterConfig. GetFilter (ApplicationFilterConfig. Java: 234)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Core. ApplicationFilterConfig. SetFilterDef (ApplicationFilterConfig. Java: 332)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Core. ApplicationFilterConfig. & lt; init> (ApplicationFilterConfig. Java: 90)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardContext. FilterStart (StandardContext. Java: 3783)
The at org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardContext. Start (StandardContext. Java: 4409)
The at org. Jboss. Web. Tomcat. Service. Deployers. TomcatDeployment. PerformDeployInternal (TomcatDeployment. Java: 313)
The at org. Jboss. Web. Tomcat. Service. Deployers. TomcatDeployment. PerformDeploy (TomcatDeployment. Java: 145)
The at org. Jboss. Web. Deployers. AbstractWarDeployment. Start (AbstractWarDeployment. Java: 461)
The at org. Jboss. Web. Deployers. WebModule. StartModule (WebModule. Java: 122)
The at org. Jboss. Web. Deployers. WebModule. Start (WebModule. Java: 97)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 57)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java:
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (606) Method. The Java:
The at org. Jboss. Mx. Interceptor. ReflectedDispatcher. Invoke (ReflectedDispatcher. Java: 157)
The at org. Jboss. Mx. Server. Invocation. Dispatch (Invocation. Java: 96)
The at org. Jboss. Mx. Server. Invocation. Invoke (Invocation. Java: 88)
The at org. Jboss. Mx. Server. AbstractMBeanInvoker. Invoke (AbstractMBeanInvoker. Java: 264)
The at org. Jboss. Mx. Server. MBeanServerImpl. Invoke (MBeanServerImpl. Java: 668)
The at org. Jboss. System. The microcontainer. ServiceProxy. Invoke (ServiceProxy. Java: 206)
At com. Sun. Proxy. $Proxy39. Start (Unknown Source)
The at org. Jboss. System. The microcontainer. StartStopLifecycleAction. InstallAction (StartStopLifecycleAction. Java: 42)
The at org. Jboss. System. The microcontainer. StartStopLifecycleAction. InstallAction (37) StartStopLifecycleAction. Java:
The at org. Jboss. Dependency. Plugins. Action. SimpleControllerContextAction. SimpleInstallAction (SimpleControllerContextAction. Java: 62)
The at org. Jboss. Dependency. Plugins. Action. AccessControllerContextAction. Install (AccessControllerContextAction. Java: 71)
The at org. Jboss. Dependency. Plugins. AbstractControllerContextActions. Install (AbstractControllerContextActions. Java: 51)
The at org. Jboss. Dependency. Plugins. AbstractControllerContext. Install (AbstractControllerContext. Java: 348)
The at org. Jboss. System. The microcontainer. ServiceControllerContext. Install (ServiceControllerContext. Java: 297)
The at org. Jboss. Dependency. Plugins. AbstractController. Install (AbstractController. Java: 1652)
The at org. Jboss. Dependency. Plugins. AbstractController. IncrementState (AbstractController. Java: 938)
The at org. Jboss. Dependency. Plugins. AbstractController. ResolveContexts (AbstractController. Java: 1082)
The at org. Jboss. Dependency. Plugins. AbstractController. ResolveContexts (AbstractController. Java: 988)
The at org. Jboss. Dependency. Plugins. AbstractController. Change (AbstractController. Java: 826)
The at org. Jboss. Dependency. Plugins. AbstractController. Change (AbstractController. Java: 556)
The at org. Jboss. System. ServiceController. DoChange (ServiceController. Java: 688)
The at org. Jboss. System. ServiceController. Start (ServiceController. Java: 460)
The at org. Jboss. System. Deployers. ServiceDeployer. Start (ServiceDeployer. Java: 163)
The at org. Jboss. System. Deployers. ServiceDeployer. Deploy (ServiceDeployer. Java: 99)
The at org. Jboss. System. Deployers. ServiceDeployer. Deploy (46) ServiceDeployer. Java:
The at org. Jboss. Deployers. Spi. Deployer. Helpers. AbstractSimpleRealDeployer. InternalDeploy (AbstractSimpleRealDeployer. Java: 62)
The at org. Jboss. Deployers. Spi. Deployer. Helpers. AbstractRealDeployer. Deploy (55) AbstractRealDeployer. Java:
The at org. Jboss. Deployers. Plugins. Deployers. DeployerWrapper. Deploy (DeployerWrapper. Java: 179)
The at org. Jboss. Deployers. Plugins. Deployers. DeployersImpl. DoDeploy (DeployersImpl. Java: 1454)
The at org. Jboss. Deployers. Plugins. Deployers. DeployersImpl. DoInstallParentFirst (DeployersImpl. Java: 1172)
The at org. Jboss. Deployers. Plugins. Deployers. DeployersImpl. DoInstallParentFirst (DeployersImpl. Java: 1193)
The at org. Jboss. Deployers. Plugins. Deployers. DeployersImpl. Install (DeployersImpl. Java: 1113)
The at org. Jboss. Dependency. Plugins. AbstractControllerContext. Install (AbstractControllerContext. Java: 348)
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