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Shiro single user login type conversion error


To solve the...
//2. Processing -- -- a matter of account different ground log in, later users need to do optimization, such as login with cas

DefaultWebSecurityManager securityManager=(DefaultWebSecurityManager) the SecurityUtils. GetSecuri tyManager ();
DefaultwebSessionManager our sessionManager=(DefaultwebSessionManager) securityManager. GetSessionManager ();//get the current logged-in user session list

Collection Sessions=our sessionManager. GetSessionDA0 (.) getActiveSessions ();

For (Session Session: sessions) {

//to find whether there is a current login account records, have and then remove the user login to save the session before

The object obj=session. The getAttribute (DefaultSubjectContext PRINCIPALS_ SESSION_ KEY);

In the second transformation question of the code is that wrong phone text transfer images might be a little small mistake mainly don't know why the type conversion error

This is a mistake
Org, apache shiro. Web. Session. MGT. Serv1etContainerSessionManager always be cast to org.. Apache shiro. Web. Session. MGT. DefaultWebSessionManagernfigure. UserRealm. DoGetAuthenticationInfo (UserRealm. Java: 71) ~ (classes/: na)

Configure shiro class

//? Г

@ Bean

Public ShiroFilterFactoryBean getShiroFilterFactoryBean @ the Qualifier (" manager ") DefaultWebSecurityManager managShiroF ilterFactoryBean bean=new ShiroF ilterFactoryBean ();

//set the security manager

Bean. SetSecurityManager (manager);

//add shiro built-in filters


Anon: FR ihiRTJi5jD

Authc: must witness the オ can like to

User: must have to remember I generally don't

Perms. Have access to a resource permissions to

* role: have a role to access

Map FilterMap=new LinkedHashMap (a);//filterMap. Put ("/user/* ", "-anon");

FilterMap. Put ("/writer/* ", "authc");

FilterMap. Put ("/logout ", "logout");

Bean. SetFilterChainDefinitionMap (filterMap);

Bean. SetLoginUrl ("/");

Bean. SetUnauthorizedUrl ("/"); Return the bean;


@ Bean (name="manager")

Public DefaultWebSecurityManager getDefaultWebSecurityManager @ the Qualifier (" userRealm ") userRealm realm) fDefaultWebSecurityManager securityManager=new DefaultWebSecurityManager ();

//I realm

SecurityManager. SetRealm (realm);

Return the securityManager;
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