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Help: eclipse installation shows cannot create virtual machine and a fatal error


Big help!

When installing eclipse

Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. The Program will exit.
And then there is

Java was started but returned the exit code=1
C: WINDOWS \ system32 \ javaw exe
- Dosgi. RequiredJ avaVersion=1.8
- Dosgi. Instance. Area. DE fault=@ user. The home/eclipse workspace -
- XX: + UseG1 GC
- XX: + UseStrin gDeduplication
- Dosgi. RequiredJavaVersion=1.8
- Dosgi. DataAreaRequiresExplicitInit=true
- Xms256m
- Xmx2048m
- jar
G: eclipsellplugins/org. Eclipse equinox. Launcher_ 1.5.700. V20200207-2156. The jar
- OS win32
- WS win32
- the arch x86_ 64
- showsplash
G:eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.epp.package.com mon_
00 \ splash BMP
- the launcher G: eclipseleclipse. Exe
-name Eclipse
-- the launcher. The library
G. : eclipsel \ plugins/org. The eclipse equinox. The launcher. The win32. Win32. X86_ 64 _ 1.1.
1200. Eclipse_ v20200508-1552 11000. DI1
- startup
G: eclipse \ plugins/org. Eclipse. Equinox. Launcher_ 1. 00. 5.7 v20200207-2156.
The jar
-- the launcher. AppendVmargs
- exitdata 2 b7c_ Cc
- the product org. Eclipse. Epp. Packagejava. Product.
- vm C: WINDOWS \ system32yjavaw exe
- vmargs
- Dosgi. RequiredJavaVersion=1.8
- Dosgl. Instance. Area. Default=@ user home/eclipse workspace -
- XX: + UseG1GC
- XX: + UseStringDeduplication
- Dosgi. RequiredJavaVersion=1.8
- Dosgi. DataAreaRequiresExplicitInit=true
- Xms256m
- Xmx2048m
- jar
Giteclipse \ plugins/org. Eclipse equinox. The launcher 1.5.700. V20200207-2156.
The jar

For help, what should I do this

CodePudding user response:

What operating system JDK eclipse version? 64/32?

CodePudding user response:

The JDK installed first
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