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For help: want to List the data saved in Excel spreadsheet, encapsulated class, got to do is ready (


Borrowed the encapsulation of Excel others online classes, but soon their own new to c + +, don't know the list is saved as a Excel file to realize, also please help me to reassure the great god,

Here are already packaged Excel class

The header file:
# pragma once
//excel. H
# pragma once
# include "CApplication. H"
# include "CRange. H"
# include "CWorkbook. H"
# include "CWorkbooks. H"
# include "CWorksheet. H"
# include "CWorksheets. H"

The class Excel
Cstrings openFileName;
CWorkbook workBook.//the current file
CWorkbooks books;//ExcelBook collections, more files using the
CWorksheet workSheet.//the current use of sheet
CWorksheets sheets;//Excel sheet collection
CRange currentRange;//the current operation area

Bool isLoad;//is already loaded a data sheet

COleSafeArray safeArray.

The static CApplication application;//Excel process instance

Excel ();
Virtual ~ Excel ();

Void show (bool bShow);

//check whether a cell as a string
Bool isCellString (long iRow, long iColumn);

//check whether a cell is the numerical
Bool isCellInt (long iRow, long iColumn);

//get a cell string
Cstrings getCellString (long iRow, long iColumn);

//get a cell integer
Int getCellInt (long iRow, long iColumn);

//get a double cell data
Double getCellDouble (long iRow, long iColumn);

//total number of rows
Int getRowCount ();

//integer column
Int getColumnCount ();

//use a shell
Bool loadSheet (long tableId, bool preLoaded=false).
Bool loadSheet (cstrings sheet, bool preLoaded=false).

//by the name of the serial number has a shell
Cstrings getSheetName (long tableID);

//get the total number of sheel
Int getSheetCount ();

//open the excel file
Bool open (const char * fileName);

/open/close excel file
Void close (bool ifSave=false);

//save as a excel file
Void saveAsXLSFile (const cstrings & amp; XlsFile);

//the name of the open file
Cstrings getOpenFileName ();

//open the sheel the name of the
Cstrings getOpenSheelName ();

//to write an int value cell
Void setCellInt (long iRow, long iColumn, int newInt);

//to write a string cell
Void setCellString (long iRow, long iColumn, cstrings newString);

//initialize Excel_OLE
The static bool initExcel ();

//release Excel_OLE
The static void release ();

//the name of the column of
The static char * getColumnName (long iColumn);

Void preLoadSheet ();

CodePudding user response:

# include "stdafx. H"
# include "Excel. H"

CovTrue (TRUE) (short),
CovFalse ((short) FALSE),

CApplication Excel: : application;

Excel: : Excel () : isLoad (false)

Excel: : ~ Excel ()
//close ();
Bool Excel: : initExcel ()
//create Excel 2000 server (start Excel)
if (! Application. CreateDispatch (_T (" Excel. Application "), nullptr))
MessageBox (nullptr, _T (" failed to create Excel services, you may not have to install Excel, please check!" ), _T (" error "), MB_OK);
return FALSE;

Application. Put_DisplayAlerts (FALSE);
return true;

Void Excel: : release ()
Application. The Quit ();
Application. ReleaseDispatch ();

Bool Excel: : open (const char * fileName)

//to close the file
Close ();

//template is used to establish the new document
Books. AttachDispatch (application. Get_Workbooks (), true);

LPDISPATCH lpDis=nullptr;
LpDis=books. The Add (COleVariant (cstrings (fileName)));

If (lpDis)
WorkBook. AttachDispatch (lpDis);

Sheets. AttachDispatch (workBook. Get_Worksheets ());

return true;

return false;

Void Excel: : close (bool ifSave)
//if the file is already open and close the file
if (! OpenFileName. IsEmpty ())
//if the preservation, to the user control, let the users themselves, if you SAVE, there will be a strange wait
If (ifSave)
//show (true);
The else
WorkBook. Close (COleVariant (short) (FALSE), COleVariant (openFileName), covOptional);
Books. The Close ();

//empty open file name
OpenFileName. Empty ();

Sheets. ReleaseDispatch ();
WorkSheet. ReleaseDispatch ();
CurrentRange. ReleaseDispatch ();
WorkBook. ReleaseDispatch ();
Books. ReleaseDispatch ();

Void Excel: : saveAsXLSFile (const cstrings & amp; XlsFile)
WorkBook. SaveAs (COleVariant (xlsFile),

Int Excel: : getSheetCount ()
The return sheets. Get_Count ();

Cstrings Excel: : getSheetName (long tableID)
CWorksheet sheet;
Sheet. AttachDispatch (sheets. Get_Item (COleVariant ((long) tableID)));
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