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Rescue a great god!!!!!!!!!! Through the IP access to equipment name within a local area network (LA


Rescue a great god!!!!!!!!!! Through the IP access to equipment name within a local area network (LAN) function gethostbyaddr () returns all bogon, what to do!!

CodePudding user response:

Post code, map

CodePudding user response:

WSAData WSAData;
WSAStartup (MAKEWORD (2, 0), & amp; WsaData);

Char ipp [4].

Ipp [0]=192;
Ipp [1]=168;
Ipp [2]=0;
Ipp [3]=100;

HOSTENT * lpHostEnt;

In_addr ina;

LpHostEnt=gethostbyaddr (ipp, sizeof (ipp), AF_INET);

ShowMessage (lpHostEnt - & gt; H_name);//display the host name

WSACleanup ();

Including is the machine's IP, this return "" bogon" "

But if change the IP to can return the machine name correctly,,

CodePudding user response:

Run with administrator try it?
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