Java. Lang. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
The at org. Crazycake. Shiro. RedisManager. Init (RedisManager. Java: 25) ~ [shiro - redis - 3.2.3. Jar: na]
The at org. Crazycake. Shiro. RedisManager. GetJedis (RedisManager. Java: 33) ~ [shiro - redis - 3.2.3. Jar: na]
The at org. Crazycake. Shiro. WorkAloneRedisManager. Set (WorkAloneRedisManager. Java: 71) ~ [shiro - redis - 3.2.3. Jar: na]
The at org. Crazycake. Shiro. RedisSessionDAO. SaveSession (RedisSessionDAO. Java: 80) ~ [shiro - redis - 3.2.3. Jar: na]
The at org. Crazycake. Shiro. RedisSessionDAO. DoCreate (RedisSessionDAO. Java: 131) ~ [shiro - redis - 3.2.3. Jar: na]
The at org, apache shiro. Session. MGT. Eis. AbstractSessionDAO. Create (AbstractSessionDAO. Java: 116) ~ [shiro - core - 1.2.2. Jar: 1.2.2]
The at org, apache shiro. Session. MGT. DefaultSessionManager. Create (DefaultSessionManager. Java: 177) ~ [shiro - core - 1.2.2. Jar: 1.2.2]
The at org, apache shiro. Session. MGT. DefaultSessionManager. DoCreateSession (DefaultSessionManager. Java: 158) ~ [shiro - core - 1.2.2. Jar: 1.2.2]
The at org, apache shiro. Session. MGT. AbstractValidatingSessionManager. CreateSession (AbstractValidatingSessionManager. Java: 136) ~ [shiro - core - 1.2.2. Jar: 1.2.2]
The at org, apache shiro. Session. MGT. AbstractNativeSessionManager. Start (AbstractNativeSessionManager. Java: 59) ~ [shiro - core - 1.2.2. Jar: 1.2.2]
The at org, apache shiro. MGT. SessionsSecurityManager. Start (SessionsSecurityManager. Java: 121) ~ [shiro - core - 1.2.2. Jar: 1.2.2]
The at org, apache shiro. Subject. Support. DelegatingSubject. GetSession (DelegatingSubject. Java: 336) ~ [shiro - core - 1.2.2. Jar: 1.2.2]
The at org, apache shiro. Subject. Support. DelegatingSubject. GetSession (DelegatingSubject. Java: 312) ~ [shiro - core - 1.2.2. Jar: 1.2.2]
The at hd. MSRV. Permission. Util. SessionUtils. GetSession (43) SessionUtils. Java: ~ [permission - the client - 1.0.0. The jar: 1.0.0. RELEASE]
The at hd. MSRV. Permission. Util. SessionUtils. GetUser (SessionUtils. Java: 59) ~ [permission - the client - 1.0.0. The jar: 1.0.0. RELEASE]
The at hd. MSRV. Permission. Web. LoginController. Login (LoginController. Java: 157) ~ [permission - the client - 1.0.0. The jar: 1.0.0. RELEASE]
The at hd. MSRV. Permission. Web. LoginController $$$$2 f768a9e FastClassBySpringCGLIB. Invoke (& lt; Generated>) ~ [permission - the client - 1.0.0. RELEASE. The jar: 1.0.0. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Additional. Proxy. MethodProxy. Invoke (MethodProxy. Java: 204) ~ [spring - core - 5.0.4. The jar: 5.0.4. RELEASE]
At org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. CglibAopProxy $CglibMethodInvocation. InvokeJoinpoint (CglibAopProxy. Java: 747) ~ [spring aop -- 5.0.4. The jar: 5.0.4. RELEASE]
At org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Proceed (ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Java: 163) ~ [spring aop -- 5.0.4. The jar: 5.0.4. RELEASE]
At org. Springframework. Aop) framework) adapter. MethodBeforeAdviceInterceptor. Invoke (MethodBeforeAdviceInterceptor. Java: 52) ~ [spring aop -- 5.0.4. The jar: 5.0.4. RELEASE]
At org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Proceed (ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Java: 174) ~ [spring aop -- 5.0.4. The jar: 5.0.4. RELEASE]
At org. Springframework. Aop. Interceptor. ExposeInvocationInterceptor. Invoke (ExposeInvocationInterceptor. Java: 92) ~ [spring aop -- 5.0.4. The jar: 5.0.4. RELEASE]
At org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Proceed (ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Java: 185) ~ [spring aop -- 5.0.4. The jar: 5.0.4. RELEASE]
At org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. CglibAopProxy $DynamicAdvisedInterceptor. Intercept (CglibAopProxy. Java: 689) ~ [spring aop -- 5.0.4. The jar: 5.0.4. RELEASE]
The at hd. MSRV. Permission. Web. LoginController $$$$c11d5537 EnhancerBySpringCGLIB. Login (& lt; Generated>) ~ [permission - the client - 1.0.0. RELEASE. The jar: 1.0.0. RELEASE]
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method) ~ [na: 1.8.0 comes with _40]
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 62) ~ [na: 1.8.0 comes with _40]
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java: ~ [na: 1.8.0 comes with _40]
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (497) Method. The Java: ~ [na: 1.8.0 comes with _40]
The at org. Springframework. Web. Method. Support. InvocableHandlerMethod. DoInvoke (InvocableHandlerMethod. Java: 209) ~ [spring - web - 5.0.4. The jar: 5.0.4. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Web. Method. Support. InvocableHandlerMethod. InvokeForRequest (InvocableHandlerMethod. Java: 136) ~ [spring - web - 5.0.4. The jar: 5.0.4. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Web. Servlet. MVC) method. The annotation. ServletInvocableHandlerMethod. InvokeAndHandle (ServletInvocableHandlerMethod. Java: 102) ~ [spring - webmvc - 5.0.4. The jar: 5.0.4. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Web. Servlet. MVC) method. The annotation. RequestMappingHandlerAdapter. InvokeHandlerMethod (RequestMappingHandlerAdapter. Java: 870) ~ [spring - webmvc - 5.0.4. The jar: 5.0.4. RELEASE]
The at org. Springframework. Web. Servlet. MVC) method. The annotation. RequestMappingHandlerAdapter. HandleInternal (RequestMappingHandlerAdapter. Java: 776) ~ [spring - webmvc - 5.0.4. The jar: 5.0.4. RELEASE]