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JSP JavaBean program development


On your computer, please install the JDK and Tomcat, and complete the application development according to the requirements of the following:
The first step: write the login user login page. The JSP, requirements: (1) the use of page Settings page directive for utf-8 character encoding mode; (2) the page contains a form, form allows the user to enter a user name and password, and "submit" and "reset" button. (3) write a JavaScript code in this file, verify whether the user fill in the user name or password is empty, if is empty, then asks the user to fill in, then submit the form,
Step 2: write a JavaBean classes the UserBean, said in a statement in the class member variables of a user name name and password of member variables,
Step 3: write a handle user login request page login_do. JSP, handle user login. The login page request message from the JSP processing way is to receive the login. The JSP data in the form, then send the received data to the client browser,
Step 4: the above procedures and compiled a JavaBean bytecode file deployed to Tomcat server, test procedures,
After completion of application development in the answer sheet to answer the following questions:
1) a brief introduction of the JDK download, installation and configuration process, (20 points)
2) description of the Tomcat download, install, configure and start the process, (20 points)
3) write the login. The JSP source code, (10)
4) write source code, the UserBean class (10)
5) write login_do. JSP source code, (10)
6) how to understand the event handling mechanism of JavaScript? (10)
7) the basic steps of development and application of a JavaBean what kind of? (10)
8) overall word count between 700-1500 words, (10)
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Java sprout new, in order to test, I hope great god can do to help, thank you
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