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Javascript, save the children


 var d=new ActionDescriptor (); 
Var r=new ActionReference ();
AdjustmentLayer r.p utClass (stringIDToTypeID (" "));
D.p utReference (stringIDToTypeID (" null "), r);
Var d1=new ActionDescriptor ();
D1. PutClass (stringIDToTypeID (" type "), stringIDToTypeID (" colorLookup "));
D.p utObject (stringIDToTypeID (" using "), stringIDToTypeID (" adjustmentLayer "), d1);
ExecuteAction (stringIDToTypeID (" make "), and d, DialogModes. NO);

In this paragraph above is Photoshop. Exe software to create a new color lookup layer, how to achieve load 3 dlut presupposition, with code, thank you