A, stand-alone mode
1. New directory zookeeper_single, will download good zookeeper - 3.4.9. Tar. Gz kao into the directory,
2. Unzip the zookeeper,
The tar - ZXVF zookeeper - 3.4.9. Tar. Gz
3. The new data in the zookeeper - 3.4.9 directory, two logs folder,
4. Enter the zookeeper - 3.4.9/conf directory, the zoo_sample. A copy of CFG file name to zoo. The CFG,
Cp zoo_sample. CFG zoo. CFG
5. Modify the zoo. CFG file, you need to modify the following places,
DataDir=/data/zookeeper/zookeeper_single/zookeeper - 3.4.9/data
DataLogDir=/data/zookeeper/zookeeper_single/zookeeper - 3.4.9/logs
6. After configuration, can start the zookeeper service, enter the zookeeper - 3.4.9/bin directory, start the zookeeper service,
./zkServer. Sh start
7. After completion of start, check the service status,
./zkServer. Sh status